Speech and language referral

Has anybody been referred by the HV for speech and language therapy for their LO? What is it like and did it help?
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Im wondering this too. My little boy is 14.5 months and just says mamama like babbles but that’s all x

Yes we’ve been referred was suppose to have first session yesterday but baby was still in hospital so can’t give you any idea yet what happens. They come out first though to assess and see how they can help

Are we supposed to worry about this already??😱 my girl also only says mamamam and babbles - I thought that was ok for this age!

@Onnie Abbott so did I but at my last HV appointment she said that if there’s no improvement from December to Feb then she will refer us 🤷🏻‍♀️

Wow, our HV didn't mention anything like that! Maybe because I ticked that she's made 3 different sounds, she occasionally says rarara or yayaya 😅 but definitely no real words yet. She understands literally everything we say though 🤔 like today we said 'can you put nemo in the bath please' and she trotted off and got her fish toy and put it in the bath 🤔 I thought we weren't meant to worry about speech until much later ☹️ so surprised hearing about referrals already!! X

Why were you guys referred? What was the reason? This seems slightly unusual, I only did 2 years of my slt degree, but early intervention was considered 2 years, 13 months just seems crazy early

@Nina my daughter got glue ear in both ears and hearing loss in left ear so that will effect her speech as well as other issues so so starting it earlier

@Mary ahhh ok that makes sense! All the best! 💜

@Onnie Abbott not at all!!! It’s absolutely normal for them not to speak at this age

I’m worried now 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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