Challenging preggo workout plans?

Before pregnancy (and for the first few weeks!) I was running 4x a week, supplementing with strength and yoga as well. I’m currently 19w pregnant, and after 2 months of pretty low energy and sickness, I’m finally getting back to working out, which feels great! However all the pregnancy workouts on various apps feel super gentle, and I’m not really finding anything that feels like it’s doing me more good than a walk. I was wondering if anyone had found some good pregnancy strength training? Or did anyone find that modifying ‘normal’ workouts when needed was just as good? I’ve heard strength training during pregnancy is linked to a shorter, less painful labour, so fingers crossed 😂 Thanks! X
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Definitely definitely recommend rwl, you can put in your likes / dislikes and it’ll create you a personalised pregnancy programme. I followed it all the way to 41 weeks! They have strength training, cardio, boxing, literally everything!

I did pre and post natal workouts with Rachel Bruno on the Courtney black app.

I loved nourish move love (nml) workouts on YouTube :) she has lots of pregnancy specific ones or often mentions pregnancy modifications in her regular videos too x

I’ve personally just modified normal workouts to reduce the weight a little, remove any jumping and sub out moves that aren’t appropriate (burpees, sit ups, pull ups etc.) It just depends what you were doing before and how conditioned your body was to that style of training before getting pregnant. That being said I’ve definitely slowed down a lot in the third trimester. I’m happy if I get 2-3 workouts in a week and I focus more on just getting moving and doing some weights and not slamming myself! The goal is to just keep some level of fitness and strength and also keep the old 🧠 happy!

The mamawell programme is good Or look at bump and burpees Or strong like mum Shakira akabusi

You can run whilst pregnant x

I’m doing Kayla Itsines (BBG) pregnancy program on Sweat App. It’s low impact, but high rep and with moderate weights it kicks my butt 🥲

I’ve been using the STRNG app and feel the same. I feel like it’s all pretty basic but I’m just following it so I know I’m being safe xx

I've used Harriet Harper app the whole way through my pregnancy and I'm currently 33+4. I've done the occasional run and spin class but focused on strength

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