Am I the only one who literally feels lost in life right now job wise being a single mum

I mean I’m 35, and I have 2 older children in secondary and wa due to do a course in HR as I was in the right kinda job role to be accepted onto it, in the evenings. I unexpectedly fell pregnant, and now got a 4 month old. My BD no contact at all, and now I feel trapped again, after only just getting to the age the kids were old enough. I don’t regret my baby, I feel like he was meant to come into my life , but feel like it’s always gonna bug me not feeling like I’ve got somewhere in life or doing it for me, as I had my others young and no support, I’ve always worked and couldn’t give that up to study as I was rinsed with l renting. Meh. Idk anymore feel pants
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You aren’t the only one. I’m 36. Jobless. Two very young children. BD is making my life hell. Lawyered up. Etc.

I unexpectedly fell pregnant when I was 40 (first baby). I didn't really have a career, and I gave up my job as a gym receptionist in 2020 because we were meant to move house, but that didn't happen until a year later. We hardly have any friends, and I'm miles away from my family. I've been with my husband for a long time, and he is very supportive, but I find life lonely and difficult at times. I love my daughter so much, and she is my world, but being a mum to a toddler at 43 is something else haha. I need to find some patience because mine is wearing thin right now x

I think we all feel lost a bit when pregnant that feeling of out of control ness & the unknown of the future. But god has a plan for us all I believe. We got to try live in the present & not worry about the future. You’ve done well in life 3 beautiful children right is the most successful thing in life

Give up the job and go for the course! I am/was in a similar position.. I’m 32 had my kids young who are now 16 and 15 pregnant with my third now. I was stuck, crap job and low income.. I gave up my job, went to uni earned a degree and now I work in a great job and earning the most money I ever have. You can do it with a baby, if you’re thinking of going to uni (as a mature student is much easier to be accepted), you will get your maintenance loans, and and also your course fee loan. In addition, you get a childcare grant which will cover all of your childcare for baby! And you’re usually only in uni for 2/3 days. I received all of this, I did three years at uni. It was the best thing I ever did and opened up so many doors. The time will fly and it’s technically only 6 months per ‘year’ you study (and your childcare is paid even when you’re not at uni!) Sod everyone else, including BD. Do what you need to do to improve your situation. Give up the job and go for your course!

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