My baby girl isn’t walking yet either! She’s just on her own timeline. The doctor wasn’t concerned, so I’m not either. I think she’s just content getting places crawling, but we’re ready for her to start walking!
If he was 5 weeks premature use his adjusted age. He has until 18 months before it's officially a concern, meaning he has roughly 2 more months. Out of curiosity how is he doing with other milestones? It could also be he focused all his attention elsewhere so he "has no time" for this skill
Id say he will do it when he's built up the confidence to do it maybe. My son walked at 10m but he did that same thing and then 1 day he walked the entire distance of our living room by himself out of no where. If he's cruising furniture then he definitely has the leg strength and ability to hold his body weight. He just needs the balance and confidence