@Taylor congrats! ☺️ thanks for sharing!
I had my miscarriage October 2021 and was 4 weeks pregnant by December. I’ve heard that you’re more fertile after birth or miscarriage, but I didn’t believe it lol. My son is 2.5 now!
For me, I had my first miscarriage in April 2024. First cycle came in July and I got pregnant immediately in August. Sadly I miscarried again in October. Then got pregnant again right after my first cycle and so far, we have a very sticky baby! Currently 14 week to the day.
@Briceida that’s great!! I’m hoping for this! ☺️
@Ashley that must have been so difficult!! Congrats!! It wants to come! ☺️
Lost my son at 16w 6d in June 2024 conceived near his due date November 2024 currently 13w 4d
I miscarried in February 2021 and had my rainbow in December 2021, so it was true for me! Wishing you lots of luck ✨
I had mc in December and another one in January 😭 but previously had one then conceived two weeks later with a healthy pregnancy. Think it’s just luck of the draw Xx
I’m confused because I was told to start trying again after my next period. But some of these comments seem to be that people didn’t wait until their cycle came back around? Or did you?
@Laura I waited for my period and got pregnant the following cycle. They tell you to wait mainly for dating purposes.
@Laura they tell you that so it’s easier to track how far along you are etc xx
It took me exactly 2 weeks. X
I miscarried Oct 22nd 2024 and repregnant in November found out on Nov 27th
i think its important to make sure you get a negative test first before trying again so you know everything that needs to pass has gone, after my loss i had an operation to remove anything remaining that was left behind i was definitely in no state to be trying again within 2 weeks, i understand the pressure having heard about conceiving within the first 3 months after a MC theres a feeling i felt like if it didn’t happen in that time it was never going to happen, but that wasn’t the case everyone is different do whats right for you and your body only you know how you feel Take care of yourself during this time ❤️
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We tried for the first 3 months after but didn’t get pregnant, I think my hormones were all over the place and it was too much pressure. We decided to take a break from trying and I got pregnant in month 4!
I miscarried in December and I found out yesterday I'm pregnant again. Must have conceived in January. Nervous as hell but being positive and hoping for the best xxx
It depends and is for everyone women different, to build a good foundation is minimum 3-6 month to change the epigenetics and have a good quality sperm and eggcel If you’d like support or have a question feel free to dm me 😘
I gave birth May 2024, had a positive pregnancy test again towards the end of July 2024 then miscarried a couple of days after the positive pregnancy test. I must have gotten pregnant again within a few days of miscarrying as I miscarried end of July/beginning of August and was getting positive pregnancy tests by the end of August, literally I was bleeding 31st July to about 2nd August and with the dates they calculated based on how far along I am they’ve put it down as my pregnancy started 4th August, I had negative tests in between and no other symptoms apart from bleeding. They think it was a chemical pregnancy and I’m now almost 27 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child. I had baby no1 August 2022, no2 May 2024, miscarried my 3rd pregnancy July/August 2024 and will give birth to my 3rd child (4th pregnancy) in April/May 2025 depending on when he comes. All been boys but unsure whether I miscarried a girl or boy.
I had 3 MMC’s between 2022-‘23 with my ex partner, those pregnancies were all 5 months apart. I had a MMC again in October with my current partner last year and we’re now pregnant again 3 months later x
Well for me I had my first miscarriage in May 2023. Second time I had one it was in November of the same year. Now I'm currently 35 almost 36 weeks pregnant with my double rainbow baby boy and he is due in early March.