low percentile baby

hi mamas, i’m due with my second in May and i just looked at my ultrasound analysis and it said baby girl is measuring in the 5th percentile. is this bad news? i didn’t get a phone call and my next appointment is the 13th so i’ll see what my dr says. but google scared me. some background, i suffer from HG and lost about 15lbs (i’ve only barely gained back >5lbs & i’m 25 weeks) although i’m not puking as much i’m struggling with my appetite because of onset nausea and horrible food aversions
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Hey, I had a baby who was very low percentile. I lost 20 pounds during my pregnancy (I didn't gain back any weight until 3 trimester). My baby girl was born 4th percentile at the time of birth. She was healthy, 6 pounds 10 ounces, 19.75 inches long. I am 5 ft tall. My doctors had a talk with me before she was born worried about being such low percentile, but when she was born... she was extremely healthy, petite baby girl. She just needed premie diapers for about 1.5 weeks.

My whole pregnancy my baby measured low and then at birth she was massive…. And three weeks prior I was told she may need some preemie outfits… she barely fit in some of the newborn size.

Mine never fit into premie clothes. They all thought she would, but she was thin around the waist for her length. Seriously, she only needed premie diapers for 1.5 weeks and she was in newborn diapers for 6 weeks. After that, she was in size 1 before you knew it.

Hi! I wouldn’t worry at all (I know, easier said than done). My baby measured small the entire pregnancy, was in the 4th percentile for weight at time of birth (6lbs 3oz) and was/is perfectly healthy (just small). Just because a baby is measuring small, doesn’t automatically mean there is anything abnormal. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy💖

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