Do you personally know trans people?

Not you’ve interacted once in passing… but coworker, family, serve regularly, have conversations with, etc
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Yes but it’s a very small fraction of the people that I’ve known. Like, very small. To the point that it’s shocking that certain people/political parties are so damn obsessed. Because that’s what it is. The far right is straight up OBSESSED with trans people.

@Courtney OBSESSED

Yes, I have a trans friend.

Yep. Just normal people trying to get through life like the rest of us.

The only person in my close life I've known to be trans was an ex boyfriend who was a transman.

@Courtney The obsession is SO weird. The trans people I know are just completely normal people trying to live their lives happily, there is absolutely nothing that makes them worrying to be around.

Yup i know a few. They're internet friends but we talk quite often on Instagram and other platforms.

I’m non-binary but I don’t have any trans friends… it’s not that i would not be their friend I just am home with my kids all the time so I have no friends regardless 😅😆😂

I don't personally but through my work I met a couple and they were like 55 plus, no young people that I'm aware of.

My male coworker is trans, you would never know it though. He’s such an awesome well rounded person!

i was casual friends with someone in college who transitioned and is a trans man but that was after school so i don’t know much of their experience. i went to sleep away camp with someone who is also a trans man and the same thing, they transitioned later in life. i did a peer leadership group and one of our leaders was also a trans man! i’ve never met any trans women though.

i wish i knew them during their transitions because i am curious to hear more about their experience

Yes, i have a childhood friend, my husband has a coworker and i work in a highschool, so i know of around 12 students in a school with 1600 pupils. Some i see and interact with semi-regularly, some i have never met.

No one in my inner circle. Not even someone I know or used to know. However I have come across a few and know of family members children (either mine of friends) and all are under the age of 25. The three I know through others all have chosen the name Raye! It's a beautiful name too ❤️

I teach swim lessons and had a kid in class that was trans. It was really weird because mom embraced it and dad didn't...and the kid was like 5. There's also another kid at our facility that was talked about a lot. A high school boy He was claiming to be a she, but had a girlfriend and they routinely made out in the locker room in front of younger kids. Also, he walked around said locker room naked, without even wrapping a towel around himself. (I know these two stories are fairly negative and maybe make it seem like I'm against trans. But I'm really not, I am against disrespecting others tho.

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Yes, a couple old friends/former classmates and my friend's ex. Don't talk to them regularly (don't talk to the ex anymore at all lol) but we were close at one point, life has just gotten in the way. My favorite trans person that I knew personally from cosmetology school disappeared off of social media after politics got a lot more scary, wish I knew where to find them now.

I had a friend when I was younger who was trans but we lost contact over the years as many friends do. I have also have a few friends of friends who are trans but only the one person that I was actually friends with and knew well.

I've been friends with a f to m for over a decade. I've known or worked with several others

I haven't made any new friends or been in a work environment for a few years so the only trans person I know like that is a cousin that I'm not close to.

Yeah my cousin and brother

Yep a few friends from college, a few of the students I teach, one of my best friends and… my partner, who’s non-binary/genderfluid. And as others said, they’re all just people who’d like to live their lives and get on with everyday stuff without conservatives screaming about their existence constantly. Trans people are, shockingly, just people like the rest of us.

My brother, my husband's aunt, several friends, a few of my exes. They're all perfectly normal and lovely perople, and I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment that it's weird as hell how downright obsessive the far right is about trans people. Feels kinda like internalized transphobia actually. Like someone who adamantly admits that they're /not/, because they can't come to terms with themselves and their feelings 👀 *Edit to Add* I actually forgot about my, technically, step sibling! They are also trans/nonbinary! It's just so normal to me that I didn't even think of it lol

One of my friends is trans. I'm not sure if it's a UK thing, but there seems to be quite a rise of teenagers being non binary or trans. One of my cousins is 15, and it seems like every one of her friends are non binary or trans.

I have a used-to-be-close friend that now is mostly over social media due to me moving 30 miles away and life happening but she’s a BEAUTIFUL trans woman and I also work with a trans woman whom I’m not nearly as fond of but not cause she’s trans by any means! I don’t care for her cause her work ethic is terrible, she’s entitled, and disrespectful to our boss. None of which has ANYTHING to do with her being trans…just saying lol.

My best friend is trans and so was his brother. They are the only ones I know lol

Yes. 1 online friend and 5 I've known IRL.

As an adult no. But I grew up with an individual who transitioned sophomore year of high school. Honestly…she didn’t get picked on or anything because people just didn’t give a shit (in a good way). And people called her by her new name. And kids still hung out with her because parents weren’t bigots. I wish all trans folk get this kind of treatment from their peers and community

Many, some since we were kids before they came out. I actually am big sis to the first trans woman in my sorority. And she’s just now years later going through her final transition/surgery. The stigmas are pathetic when you really know them. It’s not what a lot of people think.

I knew a person in high school who was feminine and after high school she grew her hair out and changed her name. One of my close coworkers at my first job also transitioned later in life

I moved round alot oh school when i was a teen. I made 1 friend who openly let me know he was trans and we were close until i moved to my next school where i made a friend, he 1 day used disabled toilets (which were further then the boys)so confused i said oh why dont you use the mens? And he says oh dont you know im trans... No i did not😂if he hadnt told me i wouldnt have known. Both these people were very good friends and had 1 thing im common, their class mates (who i assume knew them b4 the change) would belittle them by calling them their 'birth' names and putting that on their books, paper register etc

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Honestly I’m surprised at how many yeses there are in comparison with how TERFy this group can feel sometimes

@Asha I agree! I followed the post initially with trepidation, and have been pleasantly surprised - it gives me hope for the future 🩷

i just thought of about 5 more people from college/high school. again not known on a personal level but have had some type of interactions with!

@Rose I wasn’t going to let it get nasty by any means plus lol if we’re being honest some of the worst offenders are blocked by me so they can’t even see this

Yep! I have tons of friends that are living as their authentic selves! They are so happy and kind and some of the best people I know 💖

One of my close friends and now childcarer is trans. We have had lots of discussions about trans-identity and transphobia as I want my daughter to grow up with awareness (I was sheltered) but wouldn’t say I’m the best person to describe it. We differ on some aspects, mainly what counts as rage bait vs political statements (TikTok creator wanting to be the first trans woman to have an abortion) but as they said: “you can disagree with the people you love and still support each other”. I’m really proud of them and pleased to see the relationship they’ve built with my baby.

I voted wrong. Realized I have a cousin who identifies as trans. I know she is really struggling and I wish I knew the best way to communicate with her.

Yep! One of our family friends who is married and a father. He transgendered into a she. Still happily married, everyone has accepted it, except for their mum. The last person I would expect to transgender too, but surprised us all.

@Kate a good rule of thumb though is if a trans person says something is transphobic then it probably is It doesn’t make sense as a cis person to tell trans people what they should and shouldn’t be offended by

@Maria just ask

@Asha 💯 this!!

@Jess transgender isn’t a verb so someone can’t “transgendered” but they can “transition” They transitioned But I’m glad that she has the support and love she deserves

@Asha oh my bad, I'm still unsure of all the correct ways, but she definitely has support. My partner and I have supported her through her whole journey

@Jess all good i simply took it as that lol not knowing the verbiage

@Asha yeah I agree, I don’t think I was clear - I was telling them about a piece of what I considered to be rage bait I’d seen by a trans creator and they laughed and said it was a political statement. I’ve asked them about the things that offend them specifically so I can avoid it but we’ve also discussed other things, for example me being repeatedly referred to as a “pregnant person” by medical professionals despite asking to be referred to as mum in the same appointment. They agreed that as I had made my pronouns clear as a cis person and requested that specific terminology be used, it should also be respected, just as if they had requested specific language. We’re close friends and talk analytically about a lot of things, identity, finances, relationships, taxes, what happens in a zombie apocalypse etc.

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