Yep! Well, I was prescribed Zofran pre pregnancy (for relief from nausea spells due to chronic illness) so my obgyn wanted to have me switch to something different while pregnant so that Zofran would still be effective for me postpartum! I ended up being prescribed a med called “bonjesta” it was very helpful. My sister was prescribed Zofran during both her pregnancies and her babies came out healthy (:
Zofran is used for nausea and vomiting during pregnancies and more than just what you listed. I had hyperemesis gravidarum and took zofran alongside other medications to keep my nausea/vomiting under control.
I was given a maximum of 10 tablets of 10 mg metoclopramide, and it worked well. However, from the studies I've read, ondansetron is more effective, although its use during the first trimester is controversial.
i was prescribed ondansetron for HG, and it was an absolute lifesaver, i felt absolutely no nausea whatsoever
I was prescribed ondansetron and it made such a difference with my nausea. I could actually eat and enjoy it during the first trimester.
I was prescribed it from 12weeks they don’t normally prescribe it before then. I had cyclzine from the get go (5weeks) then they added prochloperizine on top of that. I didn’t get on with ondansetron. Still on the first 2 as I’ve had nausea and vomiting throughout and I’m 35wks
i took zofran during and after pregnancy. no issues & it helped
It's just zofran. And it's magical.
But my bodys tolerance to medicine increases easily and quickly so they ended up having me take edibles from 5m on because all my medications stopped helping me even after increasing to the safest highest amount. Please no judgement. It was my fetal specialist who I initially had to have because of my extreme vomiting and not being able to hold down anything for even half a second. I ended up vomiting blood and getting holes in my esophagus from the stomach acid I was vomiting.. they were concerned for me and my babies health from 7weeks in. I thought I had covid or a long flu. But it was pregnancy. I was surprised they had me take edibles, due to the state we were living in at the time. I did have CPS randomly stop by when we got home from hospital due to there being THC in my babies umbilical cord. Not urine. Thank God. My pregnancy with my first kid was bad but not as bad as my second.
I had exacerbated hyperemesis gravidarum. (Had to find my papers cuz I couldn't remember what it was called).It was so bad throughout my entire pregnancy that I had multiple prescriptions and dosage increases because my body's tolerance increases with medications for some stupid reason. My fetal specialist ended up having me get edibles. Which, only helped as much as the medication helped, but at least got me through the rest of my pregnancy.
I got prescribed phenergan