Girl they try it!! Mine tried the same tactic, we were both at home. So, I got all my sleep stuff, locked myself in the spare bedroom and just woke up. He must have dealt with bedtime fine because I knocked out and was unbothered. Try that next time, force him to deal.
Listen, even when a man works and woman stays home (which is also my situation) it’s not the MAN who gets to have all the rest. You both have children, you may be their primary caregiver during the hours he’s at work but it should be EQUAL once he is home. He does half the responsibilities of the kids. If you don’t get down time, why does he? Being a stay at home raising kids is the hardest job in the world - without a question. He needs to respect that and be looking for ways to take care of you and replenish your well
Here’s what I suggest. 1. Tell him you need more rest AND take it 2. Alternate who does the bed time routine (we do ever other day but find what works for you) 3. Once he is home have him do a bit more (I wfh and once my fiancé gets home he does all the diaper changes) Communication is key in these situations so you don’t end up hating each other
communication needs to be up there especially couples who have kids before you both start going against each other. It happens but this is the time when it tests your relationship. Hope you manage to have a proper chat with him in a calm setting.
I have realized that you just have to learn to keep ask for help until they get used to it.I used to assume that my husband should know he’s supposed to help me out with somethings , but some men are wired that way. If we don’t ask, they assume we are fine and we’ve got it always at the end of the day we women are burned out and sometimes always angry. So what I Do now is ask for help , ohh babe could you please help me do this , he dares not say no tho else I’ll let all hell loose. But this has been working for me
I hate when a man doesn’t work and then says he’s tired after he did nothing all day. He should atleast help with the older one while you take care of the baby in another room.