@Lauren yes, he loves books we do read a lot! He actually really loves books, just doesn’t say any real words? What reccommendations do you have? 🥰
We have 100 first words book I got from Amazon, my first flash cards from a brand called cgp, obviously lift the flap books are great especially ones with animals to encourage the sounds! Also if your son is pointing at things, you can say “yes that’s …” I also find going to playgroups and/or nursery has also developed my daughters speech. When she started in September, she only used to say mama or baba and that’s it. Now she can say about 20 words, but we constantly are working on it and she picks things up from older children she interacts with at nursery and groups x
My son is exactly like this! Aside from mum/mama he doesn’t really say anything thing just moaning and whining 😂 I talk to him constantly but I’m pretty sure he can’t hear me over his moaning 😅
Aww poor you two that sounds so hard. Has he got allergies? I agree it's pointless talking over any crying as he won't be listening. I prefer story books rather than flashcard style. Children need to see words in context really and it's more entertaining for everyone. Peppa pig books are funny and cute. Some have flaps or sliders those are the best. I have a book of baby's first opposites that has flaps that was good but has been destroyed by LO ripping it.
Not sure on your views on screen time but when we do have something on the TV we put yakadee on YouTube and he absolutely loves it. It’s different words with real videos/sometimes cartoons to go with it. Xxxxx
If they enjoy books, I can recommend some that my daughter loves and also a set of flash cards that are very well loved too by her! It’s helped her pick up so much and as well as narrating things throughout the day or we play the “can you get the…” and they find it and bring it to you! X