Baby eating habits

Does anyone else's baby do this? My daughter is nearly 11 months and she is a really good eater and she'll eat mostly anything that is put in front of her but I'm having a bit of problem because when it comes to fruit and veg, she will only eat it if its mixed into other food Like today she's had one of her normal breakfasts which is weetabix and strawberries. I have to mash it up because its the only way she will eat it but if I slice it up and give it to her, she will try and then just play with it and squash it. Is it a texture thing? She also does it with banana, blueberries, strawberries. Also she tried cucumber the other day and did the same thing Should I just keep offering them to her? I'm an ex childcare worker so I do know a lot about children and babies her age but it's different when it's your own child. I'm just getting a bit concerned because all I ever see is children with sliced up fruits and veg and they eat it perfectly fine
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Hello, my opinion would be to keep offering the foods to her. Apparently it can take up to something like 10 times of offering before a baby will try a food. I have done BLW with both my girls and they both pretty much just played with their food in the beginning. Am assuming like you say, its a sensory thing and she maybe just needs to get use to the new textures. I have heard many parents have this issue so I would try not worry and compare - easier said than done I know x

My little boy is similar, some fruits he will eat on their own but other times he will only eat them in cereal or yoghurt etc. He doesn’t seem keen on eating most veg on their own but I guess it is quite bland and cold by the time they eat it. My 3 year old used to be the same but I just kept offering and now he will eat most fruits and veg no problem

I have no advice but my baby is exactly the same. She’s more than happy with fruit and veg mixed into food or Made with the food. But if it’s on its own she will put it in her mouth and pull a face and throw it all on the floor. With the exception of cauliflower. That’s the only veg she’ll eat on its own. I’m serving her food with fruit and veg mixed into it but also putting it on the side for exposure. Not sure what else we can do really

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