Aww that’s amazing , clever little girl 🥰
Hyperlexia is so fascinating! I don’t know anything about it but it blows my mind! What a clever girl 🥰 It can be a sign of autism but I don’t think it’s a certainty that she will be autistic.
“Dyslexia” is very common in this age. You won’t know until she’s older but definitely is a sign 🫶🏼
@courtney I don’t think she has Dyslexia, was wanting to see if anyone has a child who is hyperlexic or know much about it
My daughter isn’t identifying many words yet but she has been able to identify all the letters in the alphabet since about 18 months as well as numbers, and she can tell you things that start with the letters too. She can recognise her name and nicknames when they are written down and possible a couple of other words too but we haven’t focussed much on it. I was also reading at around 2, a lot like your daughter. I can’t signpost you to any resources but I can tell you about my experience if you’d be interested.
Woah that’s amazing. She can enjoy books like that at her age.
No advice sorry but clever little girl xxx