@Georgie hi, i used to live nr parkway station so north Bristol but that was before I had my 1st. So about 19 yrs ago! Bloody hell where's the time go!
I’m originally from Leeds but currently live in Harrogate x
Originally from Cornwall but living in Liverpool. I want to move home but my partner will take some convincing 😭
I’m living near Bridgend. Originally from Devon but grew up in Herefordshire. I’m about 2 hours away from my family and my husband’s family live in the States. We don’t know many people yet as we moved recently so this pregnancy sometimes feels a lot more lonely than the first one.
I’m Portishead near Bristol x
Originally from Glasgow but living in Northumberland xx
Sheffield 👋 happy here as it’s a fab place to raise small humans.
I’m in south Bristol. I swing between staying here and moving back home everyday!