@Faith thanks so much! They’ve just arrived today so gonna do my first test and get started 🙂 xx
Some people have gradual increase and other (like myself) have rapid increase. My lh is consistently low until the day of my spike so I have to test every day starting at cycle day 7 and then a few days in, I'll test 2x a day. After a couple months, you'll be able to recognize your pattern. Btw don't test first urine of the day, wait until later in the morning
@Sarah thanks so much! What a rollercoaster the second time round is 😅
So twice a day (I did morning and afternoon) then when it starts getting darker you might want to test a couple more times in between whilst you’re just getting started with it! When it’s at its darkest you want to have sex that day and the next 2 days (ovulation can be between 12-48 hours I think after a peak) x