My little girl will say yeah, mama, dada, wawer (Walter for the dog), am-ma (grandma) and she’ll shout ah-ah-ah when telling someone off😅 and the rest is just babbling. She doesn’t say these words in any context though she’ll just shout them randomly apart from Walter as she loves that dog🥺x
My LO says mama, dada, yeah and then makes a b sound for if he wants boob 😂🙈 The rest is babbling.
Let's be honest here there will be people telling you their baby says 50 words or knows the Alphabet or counts to 10 This isn't realistic and is very unlikely to be true All babies are different yes and some babies will concentrate on learning other skills first so I wouldn't worry to much if baby isn't saying any words but you could speak to your health visitor if you are concerned Also my girl has said around 15 words but it's not like a everyday thing, some words she's said once or twice and never again, constant words are mama dada nana roro(brother logan) brother
Sorry if that sounds bad, I've just seen so many posts recently people saying my baby says this many words or the Alphabet and I really needed a vent on its unrealistic and likely not true because it makes so many other mums worry their baby is behind when they really aren't
@Emma-louise I don’t think that’s fair to say. My baby is saying a lot of words. He is constantly trying to repeat things I say. You’re right, some of the words he says he does say only a couple of times and then moves on. But he knows a range of words and I will ask him ‘what is this’ and he will attempt to say what it is (if he knows it of course). I have no way of proving this, but also have no interest in lying either (your comment ‘it’s very unlikely to be true’ suggests that you believe other mums to be telling an untruth which is pretty ridiculous to be honest). I’ve also no interest in making other mums feel like their little one is behind, there is a range of what is normal at every age for a child - at this age some won’t say much and some will be trying to say more. They are each unique and individual but to suggest others are lying is way off.
@Emma-louise yeah that’s not fair to say. My baby says around 20 words and can say 2 word phrases like hi Gigi or hi rolo (the dog) and copies now (not quite got pronunciation down but trying). All babies are different and develop at different rates, but it also depends what you do with them in regard to teaching them stuff. No one should worry about speech yet tho, it’s really closer to 2 they start talking, but saying people are lying isn’t fair and makes you sound bitter. On either end of the spectrum people have a right to ask whether their children are developing at similar rates or not. As long as they’re understanding things I wouldn’t be concerned even if they’re not saying much
@Chelsea I'm all for the hate on my comment but I'm being truthful Does your baby literally say 50 words? As I have seen several posts suggesting this recently and it is very unrealistic I did state some babies will say more than others but it's not fair on mums feeling their baby is behind because of other mums ( I didn't suggest yourself) are suggesting their baby says 50+ words
@Ki 20 words yes but my comment was more on the front of people saying 50+ words Or I even see a post saying their baby knows the whole phonics Alphabet and counts to 10..... If a baby does that then get them in the world records book because currently the youngest just to know the Alphabet on record is 1year 8months I'm also not suggesting some babies won't say more than others as they will as babies all do things at different rates, I'm just not down for making other mums worry their child is behind
My little lady says daddy, mama, yes, no, hi, hello, bye bye, I love you, boob, yellow and then will say a few animal noises and sing songs in gibberish. She knows the meaning of these words as she will say them with intent. Anything else that she says and resembles words, I don’t count as I don’t believe she understands 🤣 Last night she got IN MY FACE (like nose to nose) and said, “hello I love you”. MY HEARTTTTTT She’s so weird 😭😭 But she’s so cute 🥹❤️
@Kassia that is too cute 🥹🥹
@Lucy I know 😭😭 I wasn’t even mad that she refused to sleep anymore 😭🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Emma-louise I think every baby learns differently at different ages & that isn’t a bad thing. If one baby knows something that’s not to say another won’t learn it in time. My son & nephew are 2 months apart & my nephew is advanced, learnt to crawl & babble at 6 months, my son did at 11. I think we’re all proud of our children & their learning milestones & if someone voices it, it won’t ever be to take shine off of another baby or rub it in any mums faces. I’m the mum who said her son knows the phonics & can count to 10 which he can, I have no reason to lie & im proud of my achievement in helping him learn it (with the help of ms Rachel) & my intention in voicing it was not to make anyone else feel bad, I was just proud of my son. & im sure there’s other 14 month olds who know how to say more words than him or understands more, every baby is different
The only word my son is trying to actually say now is Cat but is sounds like "atttt" lol otherwise he just babbles 24/7