Clingy husband and giving me the ick

Hey everyone, so I've been with my husband for 8 years married to for 3. The issue is he is too clingy, rings me 3 times a day whilst he's at work whilst he's on his break, sulks or goes mood dying I don't answer. I feel as if he's checking up on me when I'm sat at home with my homeschooled child or doing school run for the other. Im introvert and do need my own time to recharge, I've always been like this. When not in work he will come up to see what I'm doing if I'm in the bath see if I'm ok there isn't no chill from him. He constantly wants sex or to touch constantly, where as I don't he physically grabs me tries to kiss me. He also gropes and sends message on the daily about sex. We do have sex but I just don't feel the need or desire too when he's constantly wanting it or being distasteful in his words it's giving me the ick. When I bring it up he sulks and goes moody and say I don't love him etc....i don't want to hear oh I wish my husband was like that, I'm introvert and don't feel the need to be in each others pocket constantly. I'm also going throught mental health issues.
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Was he always like this or is it new?

Hell no, I definitely would not want my husband to be like that. Reading this gives me ick. I’m an introvert and need a lot of time to myself and recharge. I’d suggest a very serious deep open talk with him when the day is calm and everyone is in good mood. Maybe after sex too, when he is relaxed.

Yes tell him how this makes you feel. Choose your words carefully so he doesn’t feel rejected or something. But let him know u need space too. My ex did this too and I started to resent him and hated his presence cos of it I felt so much relieved when I walked away due to other non related issues.

@Michele tbh I couldn't tell you as id just deal with it and he's only been working for the last 3 years so yeah I guess as we where together most of the time cause I was working from home at one point. I just feel like the honey moon period is long gone but obviously I still love him etc just need space without being made to feel guilty etc xx

@Olga thank you 😊 yes I'll definitely try that, yes I do need space I value alone time which o hardly get x

@Eve yes this is what I'm worried about ending up hating him I'm trying to avoid it that's why I feel as changes need to be mad now before it gets to that

Its just different love languages, maybe you could offer a time where you could be in his affection and there's a time where you can be on your own, you could even communicate..I want my time for a little while when I am finished I will come and give you some cuddles. He may be feeling unwanted so this could indicate that you do want him just need you time too. Maybe he could work on seeing you on your own and offer you a drink and going off again just letting you know he is thinking of you? I think you guys need to really discuss these options and what works for both

@Kat tried this but it doesn't seem to be enough or good enough I'm starting to feel smothered, we kiss and hug daily which I don't mind it's just the constantly wanting to multiple times a day throughout the day 😩 or the crude remarks that aren't even sexy it's kinda creepy and a turn off if you no what I mean

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