You’re not alone ❤️ I found the early days in particular day 5 so emotionally hard, I’m only just over 2 weeks PP now and things already feel better. I have a 3 year old and she’s been amazing but I’ve felt the same in particular one of the hardest things for me recovering from a C-section is not driving or being able to take her to preschool or the classes I usually do but I know in time I will again and I can look forward to future weeks and getting into a new little routine with us all. I’ve accepted the extra time with dad and other family members has been nice for her and them and feel lucky she has that. It keeps getting easier x
I was the same I really struggled the first 2 weeks to get used to the new dynamic with our baby girl needing me so much and not getting as much time with my son (18months). The hormones that first week are unreal. We are now 5 weeks in and adjusting to a new normal. I have had to accept I can not do as much with my toddler as before. But I make sure he gets some time with me each day baby free. Involving him in taking care of the baby and I a loving watching my son and my husbands relationship grow as he was previously a mummy’s boy. I am sure there will be many more adjustments to come but know you are not alone and give yourself some grace it’s a big life change and your hormones are causing all sorts of emotions right now. Happy for you to message me if you need too x
I could have written this myself! My 2.5 year old girl has always been my absolute world and I’m just so sad I can’t be there for her as much! Here if you want to chat about it as share our sorrows 😂🥲
In the same boat! I have a 2.5 year old little girl and a 3 week old little boy. The first two weeks were awful, I didn’t feel as if I was bonding with baby boy because I was too worried about how my little girl was feeling and it broke my heart! I’m now 3 weeks in and slowly starting to feel a little better about the situation. We have given our eldest best friends for life, although it’s difficult for them to adjust at first it soon becomes the new normal and they love their little siblings just as much as we do! Don’t be too hard on yourself xx
You’re definitely not alone feeling like that!! Day 5 is the worst day for baby blues. My little boy is 18 months and I definitely mourned the routine we used to have - my husband primarily looks after him at the min and I look after our new boy. It definitely gets easier and those feelings do ease off - I’m just over 3 weeks PP and getting into the new routine of everything. You’ll get there but just be kind to yourself - these days are hard but they aren’t forever and soon they’ll both be running round together, it goes very quickly! Xx