Nursery sickness

My lo started nursery at the beginning of January and has been poorly pretty much every day since, I knew to expect a lot of illness but her being ill this constantly is getting upsetting and putting a strain on me and my partners relationship. While I truly hate seeing her sick, I believe it helps to strengthen her immune system, and the benefits of nursery out way her being poorly over winter. My partner and his parents believe the opposite and are starting to make me feel guilty saying that I want her to be poorly and it’s my fault. I guess I’m hoping to ask you all if I should be feeling guilty and if I should pull her out of nursery to be looked after by grandparents as they suggest? To clarify she is mostly just catching colds/having a temperature - although she has had one chest infection.
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Look at this way , if she was in primary school and off all the time with a bug, the government would soon be on your case 🙄 and could even fine you * Trust me I've been there with my eldest* how would your partner feel then paying a hefty fine cos he didn't want her attending with a cough ( Sorry if I come of rude I'm just angry for you!) Also as mother of a prem baby who is constantly bringing home a cough etc , I do keep him off of it's really bad and also the nursery agree it's bad otherwise, I send him in same as you to build up his immune as he was a 24kwr , he is now 3yrs old any cough etc it's worse for him - O I'd rather he was exposed now than later! Mums go with their gut instinct and how you see them in your eyes, As let's be honest us mums do all the hardwork 😄 Your doing an amazing job and you tell him and the grandparents to jog on 🤭🤭💜💜

You’re nearly through the worst of it and spring is coming soon, if you take her out you will have to repeat the same process when she goes to pre school or school etc

Id persist! My little boy has had a constant cold on and off cold, got chicken pox and had very mild HFM since he started in September! Like you i believe it helps their immunity! But in other ways developmentally he has came on leaps and bounds! X

You are right, carry on with nursery. Soon your LO will be better

I accidentally selected bring her home 🙃 If she was at school you couldn’t keen taking them out so why would nursery be any different. It will help build up her immune system.

Sorry I voted wrong- I meant persist. It’s sort of part of the process of growing up

My girl has been ill pretty much since November when she started nursery and it guts me, but I know she’ll have a stronger immunity when she starts school 🤞

Have you considered a childminder? My lg went to a nursery for 3 months and I couldn’t take the illness anymore! We switched her to a childminder who has max 5 children and not only developmentally she’s exceeding, she’s not been ill since! I assume it’s the smaller setting and getting that more 1-1 care but definitely made the right choice! Either way it’s your choice as the mum, you do know best for your little one xx

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