Prep machines

My prep machine only goes to 4oz and my newborn typically drinks 2oz at the min Am i right in using the prep machine and adding 4 scoops even if he doesnt drink the full thing? Or do i put 3 scoops on the 4oz setting?
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Always put the right amount of powder : water or you can make your baby very poorly. You just have to do 4oz bottles if you are using a prep machine. It won’t be long until they are drinking 3/4ounce anyway.

@Jess yeah i did think so, i had been doing that anyway just didnt want to give him too much. Thank you 😊

If you’re using the prep machine the minimum you can make is 4oz so you always need to add 4 scoops. Always add the correct scoops per oz. It’s upto you if you use it atm as it’s obviously wasteful making bottles you know won’t get fully used. We used the pre-made stuff for a while at home then when our daughter started taking more used the prep machine. There was still waste but a little less x

@Lauren Alcock baby will only drink what they want anyway so don’t worry. The waste is a bit annoying but hey… babies cost a lot so we might as well get used to it from the start 😂😂

if you’re wanting to carry on using the prep machine then keep doing 4 scoops, limiting it to 3 will make the ratio all wrong and just tip away whatever you don’t use. I would recommend a nuby rapid cool tho!

@katie are they good for night feeds? Xx

@Samantha i was debating carrying on with the pre made ones, theyre so handy especially at night time x

@Lauren Alcock they do get expensive when baby is drinking more but in the beginning they’re handy to use I think x

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