Same! He knows how/when to tell me but too scared to sit on the toilet!
Thanks both. Are you both still just putting nappies on them? And offering potty/toilet as and when?
Nappies still, I’ll wait a few more weeks and try again. I don’t want to force or scare him I want him to want to do it x
Leaving him in nappies for now and just ask here and there if he wants to sit on the toilet. Hope to be able to tackle it when it warms up but I’ve heard boys are generally ready a bit later so I didn’t expect him to be potty trained yet 😌
I tried potty training at Christmas but she just wasn’t ready. I also feel the pressure when I see other children her age potty training or trained but it was stressful when we tried before so I’m just telling myself it’s best to wait ! X
You need to let that pressure go girl, all children are ready at different times and that’s okay. My son is nowhere near ready and that’s okay. If you pressure the situation you will only make it worse for yourselves in the long run.
Sorry no advice but my son also doesn’t want to even sit on the toilet or potty yet, he just refuses ☺️ so you’re not alone. They will get there I’m sure. Good luck x