Too old for baby groups?

We’ve been taking my daughter to groups since she was around 3 months old. We currently go to groups 4 days a week (she is easily bored so it makes the day easier) However it’s starting to feel like it’s more stress than it’s worth. She spends the whole time walking off from the activity and is distracted by other things. This week we’ve had her pull a table of leaflets on the floor, rip the signs off the walls, taking stuff out of other parents bags, pulling toys out of a cupboard, throwing books off a shelf onto the floor. I’m tired of saying to people “I’m really sorry” it’s like she has no interest in singing, bubbles, sensory things etc… anymore. In the groups that aren’t adult let and have older children she puts everything in her mouth and ends up choking (have had to do back blows). I feel like I can’t take my eyes off her for a second. None of the other children her age seem to act like this, I’m wondering if any other parents are going through this?!
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Find something different. My son and I use to go to library events and play time meet ups…and he did this exact thing ur child is doing. So i stopped going. I found local gymnastics facilities (specifically made for children 10 and under). I pay a month fee and every day between 10-12pm the kids have free play. The gymnastics teacher is facilitating the whole thing, encouraging children to play together, starting fun games, encouraging them to engage in self exploration in the gym and so on. I got a gym membership that has an indoor pool. I take my son there after naps and we have met lots of other families. Who take their tots for mid afternoon swims. We then got him a scooter and started to go on more explorations. We learned about moss and found some worms. My point is, perhaps this setting (which sounds wonderful) isn’t for your child. You need to think outside of the box and match her interest. You can still find children in a lot of other settings. Or use this app to invite

Other moms. I don’t have Facebook but perhaps you do. You can find lots of groups, settings and other activities to join. Plus it gives your child the opportunity to really explore and engage with your community. Just take her somewhere where she can be wild and act the way she is without you being apologetic to other families. Based off the description she just needs a more engaging fast pace setting. Heck, if you have an indoor trampoline playground by you—she might love that. It’s a lot of trial and error but you’ll find something that fits! Best of luck!!!

How old is your actual daughter? Does she go to nursery or pre-school?

We now only go to Toddler Sense which encourages them to climb around things, I think we will go back to those other groups when she is older

She sounds very curious about the world. I agree with the other mum who said try something different, mix it up.

Are there any forest schools near you?

I guess you could try swimming, outdoor play, soft play with climbing, the science museum if you're in London is good

@Neena she is 13 months, she doesn’t have a place at nursery anymore (lost my job) so I try to get her out as much as possible

@Nikki yes, we have a local one but she still puts everything in her mouth which puts me off slightly

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