Am I wrong for being slightly offended? đŸ€”

In our household, my husband covers our mortgage, health insurance, electricity, & meals when we go out. I cover everything else. This morning he sends me a text “Last month the light bill was only $350. This month it’s almost $500.” I text back “😩 that’s a huge jump.” He responds “Are you doing anything different I don’t know about? Is the heat still on or something?” (it’s been a lot warmer lately so the hvac has been turned off) Am I wrong for being kinda offended that he asked me if I was “doing anything different” that would make the bill so high? Like IM the sole reason why our bill is so high. Not the fact that we had snow twice last month & freezing temps most of the time.
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I wouldn’t be if my husband asked me this. I think he’s just trying to figure out if anything has changed. And if he didn’t do it, the only other person that could would be mile. But I would say something to him about it if it bothers you. I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to be accusatory. Just curious.

I think he’s just trying to figure out why the bill is higher
 I wouldn’t be offended. X

I don't think it was meant as an accusation, I wouldn't be offended, no, he's just trying to figure out what you guys have done differently this month. x

Yeah, I would not be offended at all. If you were paying the light bill and noticed it jumped up by $150, but you don’t remember doing anything different
..wouldn’t you ask the other person living in the house if they maybe did anything different recently? Seems like the normal and most logical response to me. Now, if he had said it differently, such as “why is the bill higher? What did you do???” then I could see how that would be offensive because it’s 100% blaming you and saying it’s your fault. Your husband, however, is just trying to figure out what changed and caused it to go up and is asking his wife/fellow house dweller if they perhaps have any additional info lol especially considering he also offered another explanation of it maybe being the heat still being on.

I see what you guys are saying about him just wanting to know what happened. Understandable. I think my issue/the way I took it was like in an accusatory way. Our water bill lately has been double & sometimes triple for months and my FIRST thought hasn’t been “what is my husband doing differently” it’s let me check with neighbors & see if they’re having the same issue or maybe we have a leak or something. I’m not instantly putting the blame on my spouse.

He's not blaming you. He's asked a perfectly normal question to try and get to the bottom of the issue. I think you're twisting things a bit here and looking for a reason to be angry at him. Why?

I would've just replied havent done anything different and the heat isn't on now but definitely would've worked harder during those tundra days lol

@incog what makes you think that was his FIRST thought? He could have checked the itemized charges on the bill, maybe walked around the house checking lights and things plugged in, maybe he did text a neighbor or friend about it, maybe he called the light company and asked them about it. There are so many things he possibly did before texting you this, just like you said you would have done if it was you. So WHY are you assuming your husband’s text was the very first thing he did? I agree with @Caroline , it seems kind of like you want to be mad. The only thing I see that is accusatory here is your assumption that blaming you was your husband’s first thought

So we had this happen with our heater and it was accidentally turned on to auxiliary heating. Which cost way more to run. May need to check your thermostat. But for your question I wouldn’t be offended as much as trying to figure it out too. That’s a big jump.

I think it wasn’t what he said but how he said it that could have been upsetting. It’s likely he was just trying to narrow down why it’s so much higher

I think it’s a logical question. I would do the same thing, ask the other person in the house that has access and control over the issue and try to figure it out before looking for what else that could cause a big jump.

You know what y’all
.I’ve been thinking about this all day & I appreciate all of your responses. Maybe I am overreacting. Thanks for knocking some sense into me lol

We are moms. Hormones on ten, fuses short, it's easy to lose perspective sometimes! Be kind to yourself.... And your well-meaning husband hehe

The response should be what you just explained that due to changes in the temperature and snow conditions I’m responsible for light bill and I noticed a huge jump as well but then I tend to forget to turn the lights off

. I agree with the first comment by Alana. And I'd add i think that's the best practice, if he had done soemthing different with the water you've told the neighbour's about an issue before your partner, I reckon issues should go through family first before being aired elsewhere.

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Don’t be offended. Sometimes the electric company makes a mistake, sometimes you need to run the ac more, it’s logical to try to figure out why a bill Went from 250 to 500

Text is always tough to pull tone from, but I wouldn’t be offended right away. It’s always good to check in with your partner on house stuff and utility costs that shift just in case there is something that is easy to explain away, if not it sounds like you both might have to track down whatever made the bill fluctuate. Team work through communication

Nah I wouldn’t take it personally. He’s trying to figure out why and how it got so high this time.

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