Who is this family member, and why are you doing all of this for them in the first place? How old is she like 10 years old?
Why they acting like you're their mom? But I feel bad for this person, seems like they just want to feel cared for and loved. Tell them this behavior is not acceptable and strange. Then ask them if they're okay.
You need to stand up for yourself. Someone hands you their phone to pay for their food when they didn’t even ask if you wanted anything? Was she asking if you wanted to add to the cart? It just seems too ridiculous for you to have allowed it and for her to have done it.
WTF 😳 speak up. They’re taking the absolute piss.
See, now I feel bad. She ended up fainting on me and I couldn’t rouse her. Had to call an ambulance but she was refusing to go to hospital. Not going to lie, at that point I snapped because you’re barely conscious, knocked into me fainting, can’t even say your own name, and are saying you’re not going to hospital. I’ve told her she’s going and I will stay with her. (Typing this as I wait in my car)
@Becky My aunt (almost 40). She has been going through some stuff so I thought it would be mean to turn her away.
@Monét The least of my worries now 😭 She didn’t ask. She gave it to me on the payment page for me to enter my card details
Umm no. I wouldn't have entertained any of that. If they don't confirm with me whether or not they are still coming over, then they aren't coming over at all. Everything cancelled. Hell no.
This is insane behavior honestly
Is she diagnosed with some sort of illness? The fainting is so unexpected because she was eating
Sounds inconsiderate
She'd never be allowed over without an honest discussion because that's just acceptable to me.
I really expected this to be a child. No sorry.
@Monét She is diabetic. Partially why I was annoyed she hadn’t eaten anything before coming
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Financial issues? An ambulance is gonna cost her a lot. Does she have anyone that can help her?
@Helen We’re British. Thankfully she doesn’t have to worry about anything like that. I stayed with her at the hospital and took her home afterwards. Hopefully she will take the time to rest. I also got her something to eat because I don’t think she was in any state to cook. My Grandmother said she will check-in on her tomorrow. Maybe financial issues, though I would not have a clue as to why. This behaviour is fairly new for her, but the way she went about things was strange.
You sound like a really nice person, I’m glad your aunt is okay and sorry your day was so hectic.
@Courtney Thank you. Her wellbeing is more important than anything else that happened yesterday. I was exhausted and irritable. I should have been more compassionate
I wouldn’t have even agreed to most of that cause wtf hell nah and fuck you (them)