At the sounds of it shes not ready. Don't feel rushed to do potty training. I felt rushed with my son and it only made things worse. She will let you know when she's ready. My daughter is going to be 2 this Saturday and she started potty training before Christmas and my son who will be 3 this Sunday started a week after watching his sister. What I would do is continue to tell her every time you use the bathroom that this is where she goes when she needs to go to the bathroom. As for your husband he needs to learn to have patience with her. Yelling at her is only making things harder on her and you both
She definitely sounds like she’s not ready. It might be best to take a pause for a few weeks and try again. It’s been proven that you can’t force potty training. As for your hubs I echo what Emily said. She’s a barely 2 and he’s a grown ass man who’s fully capable of controlling his emotions. His attitude is only going to prolong the training process
Look up oh crap potty training. We had our daughter with out bottoms for 3 days then moved to pants only. And you toggle between pants and naked. U til they master that. Try and not get upset. It’s probably not helping.
If she can’t talk how do you plan for her to let you know she has to potty? Can she sign? She will need a way to signal she needs to potty if this works out. I agree it seems like she is not ready. BUT also toddlers have big emotions. I deal with that sometimes with my daughter who will be 2 next week. She can pee on the potty, we introduced the potty super early but never forced her to go. She knows to pee on the potty and sometimes will tell us but most of the time she rather play, sometimes if I ask her she will try and other times it’s a fight lol. We have actually tried to potty train her but plan to start after she turns two. I wouldn’t drop the potty but maybe ease off a bit. Have her try in the morning when she wakes up, after waking for a nap, before getting in the bath, and before leaving the house. Make it part of a routine like this is what we should do because “we just woke up” etc. Advise her let’s just try, thank her for trying. Best of luck!
Agreed with Makenzie on the oh crap potty book. It tells you what to look out for on signs your daughter is ready. We also started reading the potty book for girls for a few weeks before we did the oh crap potty method (basically no pants for three days and very close monitoring throughout the day). My husband has PTSD from the military, so I can entirely relate to the short fuse/yelling unnecessarily at the situation. Feel free to DM if you want to chat more! 🫶
Not a tough kid. But she is not ready yet. My 23 month old already tells me when he’s going to do 1 &2 but refuses to do it in the potty. My baby gave me a sign he is getting ready to go because he already knows what his body is going to do, and still doesn’t do it. Tell your baby husband to grow up and remind him that’s a2 year old, not a 24 year old. We gotta be more appreciative for having babies that will eventually learn how to go potty cause some parents are stuck with changing diapers for the rest of their lives.
She’s not ready is what it sounds like to me and if it becomes frustrating for her it will set her back and only take longer to learn. As for the husband he needs to grow up and quit throwing tantrums especially if he’s yelling at her cause he’s definitely not making anything easier