We just started last week once she hit the 6 month mark and quickly learned that our girl hates being fed purees. She will tolerate a few spoonfuls of puree if we let her feed herself (though half of it ends up on her). She is happiest eating when/what we're eating, so we put aside some pieces of appropriately sized food for her at the edge of our plate for her to help herself - so far, she loves eggs, fish, and sliced pears. But also, the August babies are just getting to the 6 month mark, so it could just be that he's not ready yet but will be very soon!
Does he watch you eat ? If he’s interested in your food can you feed him something when you’re eating to show him how? Sometimes my little guy is interested sometimes he’s not. I give him food on a spoon so he can feed himself and he is happy to do that at the moment. A lot of it flys onto the floor 😂 Maybe your little guy doesn’t have control of his tongue yet and might need to try different textures. Is he sucking his fingers ?
@Jess oh yes he’s been teething for a while so is constantly hand in mouth or teethers in mouth!
Mine is Not yet Interpreter, she Watches us eating but Not More… babies can start eating with 6m but don’t have to and many start much later. she has Not yet Hit the 6m Mark and I will not push it, BF is just too easy and comfortable
Started at 4 months and hardly any interest despite being ready. Turned 6months yesterday and now on day 3 of demolishing breakfast and a snack each day.
We had to mix baby cereal with breast milk and then add a little bit of the food we wanted him to try (sweet potato was the first one we did) and make sure it’s almost a soupy texture with no lumps at all. Before that we tried mashed bananas etc and he would not eat it at all 🫠 now we are on day three of this method and he’s opening his mouth before the spoon is even ready 😍 Hope you find what works for him! It is so tough!!