Reading stories with people different from them is super important so I personally wouldn't focus on making it about boys. Just try and include stories with people of different races, ages, abilities, backgrounds, etc.
Little Blue Truck series in our favorite 💙
Not like boy specific but a good one to have in the library
@Sarah this is brilliant 👏 please share some favourites as I have a LG too 😀
Beautiful library. Where are your units from?
My little boy loves the dinosaur that poos books Typical boy book. 😆
@Kirsty I have similar from Dunelm
@Kath thank you ☺️
@Kirsty Dunelm! They have lots of colours and they are really easy to build ☺️
@Samina my LG is a big fan of the Rachel Bright books like “The lion inside” and the “squirrels who squabbled”. She loves the images in “A Galaxy Of Her Own” by Libby Jackson. Girl Power by Sesame Street. Girls can do anything by Caryl Hart.
@Sarah thank you, how old is your LO and when did you start reading to her? My girl is only 9m old
@Samina she’s 3 in May but I started reading to her from being a baby. Just your voice and the illustrations is entertainment for her ☺️
Books my nearly 4yo boy loved/loves (we love rhyme and a good "twist") Amazing machines series- Tony Mitton The Great Snortle Hunt Wolfish stew Dirty Bertie books Who's been eating MY porridge Roo the roaring dinosaur Bunnies on the bus Peace at last - Jill Murphy
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No advice but the library looks lovely
Not necessarily aimed at boys but one of my son’s favourite books is the worry tiger. There’s a book called what little boys are made of by Susanna Leonard Hill that looks like it’s the kind of vibe you’re after. I don’t have it yet so I can’t personally recommend but it’s on my list. Same with The Boys by Lauren Ace
I would say I have bought 1/2 of the little people books on Neil Armstrong, Ernest Shackleton and Michael Jordan