I recommend one pair of shoes in a neutral color that’ll go with everything! I googled Kids Shoe Store for proper supportive shoes now I just buy them at Walmart now that my boy can run:)
@Katherine okay perfect thank you!
@Noelle wow thank you so much! My daughter wears a 5c try a bigger size like 6c but it was too big on her so I will have to stick with her size for now!
I find it hard to even find shoes that fit my baby. she is in 2c baby shoes
@Raimee is ur baby walking??
@Noelle yes. She has been walking since she was 12 months old.
@Raimee aww she has small feet
@Noelle I wear a size 4.5 in “women’s shoes” which is basically kids shoes. And my husband is an average height and build for a guy. So it’s not surprising to me that she has small feet. She is also on the 1% in height, but it will probably be like that forever.
@Raimee aww okay not judging at all just surprised she on 2c my newborn was born using 1c
@Noelle yeah I understand your intent was good. It’s just frustrating in every way, being a small person. And having a young looking face. I get treated like I’m a child by everyone. when I’m almost 27 years old. And then my daughter’s growth stuff, Wic was a pain about her being on the shorter side. The pediatrician was pretty chill. But he is also pretty short for a man, so I think he gets it.
Hi! I also have a 15 month old i got him a couple of bigger sizes like 7c 6c he currently 5c he only has two pairs 5c i would avoid buying too many they outgrow them fast🥲 these are a couple of shoes i have bought