Low sex drive after pregnancy or just don’t like my bd?

I have ZERO sex drive being pregnant and even before after my first child. But right now it’s the last thing on my mind. I want to have a higher sex drive but I just can’t. I admit throughout the past couple years my bd has done some annoying things to turn me off but.. I still feel like I should get horny sometimes. Will I go back to normal? Is there something I can do?
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Are you on BC?

Well do you still enjoy masturbating or you literally have no sex drive at all? Cause if you still want to masturbate then you definitely have a sex drive just not for him.

@Lory no I’m currently pregnant but planning to get on some kind of bc afterwards

@Lillian I was thinking about that too. I still enjoy masturbating but I don’t do it. It doesn’t really come to mind. Like sometimes it does that I haven’t had any of that satisfaction in a while and I want it but I’m so tired and it just seems like work.

Then I don’t think it’s your BD. Give yourself some time and grace . It’s normal, your hormones are dropping. I have the highest sex drive out of anyone I know, I didn’t want my husband to even hug me and I didn’t want to masturbate for like 2 whole months . And for me that’s insane. My OBGYN said it’s perfectly normal. My other friend didn’t want to have sex for like 3 years after having a child. Everyone is different .

@Lillian thank you this makes me feel a little better. I just hear all the time how women are extra horny when pregnant and I’m just not and I think we both expected different. I just hope it changes soon because it does affect things and I do miss enjoying sex rather than just trying to get it over with to make him feel better. Which I know is not good to do all the time but sometimes I just feel guilty

I missed the pregnant part somehow sorry... My first trimester was awful. But second was better. It just depends on on your hormones it'll hopefully get better for you.

Yea that was me postpartum, when I was pregnant after week 25 I was so don’t with anything sexual . It’s okay your hormones are everywhere .

And I get feeling guilty for not pleasuring your partner, but just know it’s not your fault… he had a part in this. If he truly cares for you, at the end of the day he will understand .

Do a 30 day sex challenge. The more a woman has sex, the more she wants sex (in a safe relationship of course) even if you don't feel like it, do it. Try different things you're both comfortable with and try to do something nice beforehand to make you feel sexy again. Like pamper yourself or dance or whatever your cup of tea is. Hope this helps! Edited to add that pregnancy is definitely a cause for lower libido in women. For what purpose in nature should we desire sex if we are already with child?

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