Idk who Kevin Samuel’s is lol but. Equal value overall! Are we the same though and have the same strengths? No. And that varies person to person even though there are general true assumptions like physical strength in men for example. Him saying women aren’t equal would put me wayyyy off. Bad bad bad wording. Is that how he’s going to think about his own family? His mother? Potential daughter?
No we ain’t equal, we are better than them x
We are not equal, but we are equal in rights!
Fuck him, however Women are not equal to men, we’re far more powerful. LMFAOOO
@Karina considering women get laid off their jobs when they get pregnant and are paid less in comparison. I don’t think we have equal rights either
Equal value, not equal in every aspect
If he was just commenting on how we don’t have equal rights in society, in a conversational way then that’s different .. because we dont. But if he’s saying his opinion is that women aren’t equal to men , then that’s a big red flag
listening to anything Kevin Samuels said 🚩🚩🚩🚩
Well seeing as most of us can push a baby out fast than they can take a shit I’d say fuckem.
We aren't equal. That's why there's a women's rights movement.
@Rosie this!
@Bethany He is starting to watch it religiously. Wasn’t doing that at first.
agreed with @Parker 又 maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I genuinely feel like (at least in our current society) that women are superior to men in most categories.
@FairyMother 🦖🌸 beyond that, we wouldn’t be as oppressed as we have been if we weren’t more powerful than men.
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I was not familiar with Kevin Samuels, I watched 20sec of one clip and I've seen all that I needed to see. He's just another man projecting his insecurities onto women, just another man who tries to talk the talk but could never walk the walk. edit: the clip I saw was him tryna humble a woman who weighs 180lbs by telling her that she weighs more than a man. A real man doesn't worry about a woman's weight. The man these men PRETEND that they are would just hit the gym until he can lift up any woman he was dating. Like is she too big or are your muscles too small? 🤔 I'm js 😅
@FairyMother 🦖🌸 And let’s not forget he says that a woman’s value lessens when she has a child. Some of the stuff he says makes absolutely no sense. This is the same man that had two failed marriages and all these guys are still taking his advice.
@Sarah 🎀 Love this 😭😂
these "alpha male" type youtubers and podcasters are contributing to some of the worst brainwashing of men I've ever seen. It's so easy to tear all of their teachings apart and expose them for what they really are: insecurities and emotional immaturity. Idk how their viewers can't see that. Like from the clip I watched, what kind of big strong man complains about a woman's weight instead of working out until they could pick up any woman in the world? Doesn't sound like a very alpha male at all. It's always a them problem, never an us problem.
Uhm if my partner was taking the words of a dead man who was twice divorced seriously he would be single. If he loves the man incels worship he can join them.
I hit “I agree we are not equal” thinking because women are more powerful than men. Sorry I just woke up from a nap the world is a blur
We’re superior. I’d like to see them do what we do on the lack of sleep we have!
Whenever a guy mentions Kevin or Andrew . I just smile at them . And leave.
Equal in what way? Worth? Because if so I’d run. Strength? Because men are superior there. But each side has different strengths and weaknesses
Oh man I am sorry. If he means we are not equal as in our value then run don't walk. You deserve better than that. If you have a daughter you don't want her to feel that we are less valuable. If you have a son you don't want him to have that view point. I know it's hard and by no means do I mean that as a heavy, or anything against you. I had to make that decision with my ex. Man was it hard but we are better off now. It's hard but we are better off.
@FairyMother 🦖🌸 oooh I weigh 180, but I can also lift 180, so hopefully Mr. Kevin takes that into account. I am exactly the weight I need to be to hurl the ‘average man’ into the nearest dumpster if he starts talkin shit.😆
I used to think we were equal and then I had children. Women bring life into this world... We're above them. Without us, society ceases to exist. Think about how scared men are that they have to find a way to dim our light? Anyway... Does this mean if you two ever get married, you'll have to do all the housework and mind the children? And possibly work on top of all of that and wait on him hand and foot? Change this man's algorithm 🙄😵💫
He is showing you who he is. Believe him and leave
Devils Advocate sorry, 😈 , I don't want my man equal to me. He can pay my bills any day. I ain't got the time nor energy to be the man and the woman. I get all my advice and philosophies from the bible, not religion.... if my man can hold to my standard then I am okay with naturally submitting to my man, making us not equal. I don't like it when men get "advice" from Tate, though so annoying.
There's supposed to be a harmony. Not that men and women need to be equal it just needs to be balanced.
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Thank god he is just a fiancé and you can leave now before you are in a horrible marriage!!
Depends what does equality means for you both 🤷🏻♀️ We def are not that same. Value, moral, believe, taste, opinions, idk it’s kinda has to go in depth this convo with him and respect each other opinions.
Depends on what he meant. Women and men are different. But definitely could be a red flag depending on the context
Tell him to go partner with an equal then, and leave his ass
I agree, we are not equal. Women are way stronger, braver, smarter and a hell of a lot more caring then any man. Women are by far the superior race! Tell your man, men will never become our equal, they’ll always be miles behind us! 💪🏼 🤣
girl, run
Men are better than us naturally at some things and women are naturally better than men at other things. It's a balance that I respect 🙏 but to say one is worth more than the other overall is a red flag. We're of equal worth we just have different specialties
I actually agree with him but it depends how you see it. Women are not as physically strong as men, but we are more emotionally intelligent. Men also are more logical while we are more emotional (most answers from this post prove this point as women tend to get super emotional). And there are also other aspects but these are the main things I can think of
We arent equal. BUT in the sense of we each have our strengths and weaknesses that can compliment each other if we allow them to. On a basis of human rights, i believe we are (should be) equal, but as far as abilities, etc., were not at all, and i wouldnt want to be.
@Trish 😂😂😂 🏆 💪
@Elisabeta Furtuna this is a huge misconception that has been disproved by science.
We are not equal. We are better than men. If they had to do half the shit we do they couldn't handle it. In like the 50s the women stayed home and men worked. They didn't consider us equal because 'we couldn't do their job'. Now we do their jobs AND tend to the house AND the kids and on top of that we bleed out of our vagina for 7 days a month. Then we have the struggle of working while being pregnant. We are way better than men and do way more than them.
We are equal in rights! But women are definitely superior 😍 If men had periods, hormone changes, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum etc, the world would never survive!
We're of different design + purpose and of equal value. - is my position.
We are not equal b/c we are FAR above them. The short version is that they could be cattle for sperm banks. Never join society OR could be used to stock up (harvested) MANY, MANY sperm banks, then they could vanish forever, and women would live on. We could only choose the blastocysts that are female if we choose inseminate via IVF. I don't know the logistics after that for IUIs, etc, but we could LITERALLY live without men so long as we have plenty of sperm banks on hand for eternity. :) so yeah. We are not equal.
He’s probably messing with u. I believe we are equal but women have a divine value that for centuries it has been devalued bc of how worthy we are. We have a power like no other so we shouldn’t compare ourselves to men bc we have our own amazing power and value