@Meagan I’ve been using a free and clear detergent but it doesn’t seem to be doing good with stains
We use Kirkland ultra free & clear (from Costco) and we even use it on our cloth diapers and it seems to get stains out pretty well. There’s a few grease stains on a few things I didn’t catch before doing the laundry & now I’m trying to get those out but otherwise I think it’s doing pretty well.
Free and clear FTW, never used Dreft.
We have always used comfort and washing up liquid for stains x
I’ve never bought separate detergent for bottles or laundry. We switched to a free & clear laundry soap before baby was born and I like it for all the clothes, and it’s unscented, and I switched us to a milder dish soap around the time baby was born as well and we just use that for all baby stuff.