The problem is autism is a huge spectrum so no size fits all. My son had speech delay. We would go to the park and he would run round it or make patterns with leaves. He would make patterns at home with laundry. He was a runner. He had poor gross and fine motor skills. He randomly hit other kids on the head at nursery. He was impulsive. He wouldn’t listen. Meltdowns.
Depends. Male and female present very different and 98% of Autistic kids don’t actually flap and have intensive meltdowns. Toe walking is a big one. My daughter is 6 years old and if I don’t tell people and show, they don’t believe she’s autistic because she “functions normal” I was the same way. Got mine at 21.
Not responding to name, lack of eye contact, hand flapping, no social interaction with other babies or toddlers, head shaking, high pitch screech, scraping teeth again hard materials, head banging, doesn't like noise, delayed speech - not meeting other milestones, food textures- e.g. doesn't like fruits or veg that are wet to touch, lines up toys, goes on tip toes, favourites sensory toys - spinning toys, wheels etc (most of these are from what has been noticed from my son last week by his paediatrician) Many children vary from one another and best to seek medical advice from a paediatrician
You can’t really know until as assessment has been made - my son did all the things he was meant to do as a toddler - meet milestones, pointing and all that, at 6 he still got diagnosed with autism and adhd x
@Katie louise same with my daughter ! She was “normal” then got diagnosed at 5 with adhd autism and dyslexia !!!
There are also tons of toddlers who show signs of Autism that never had it, it was just a normal toddler thing to do! Tons of non autistic babies and toddlers can and have flapped their arms in excitement , tons of babies develop speech different and some are non verbal longer than others and aren’t autistic , they just develop and do when they feel like it!
@Jasmine crazy isn’t it, the adhd I although thought from when he was younger but I didn’t really think autism until his school was like yeah he has many traits .. now obviously I can see those traits but I didn’t really think anything of it a couple years ago!
@Katie louise I saw some because I’m autistic adhd too and that’s the only reason they tested her was because I kept demanding LOL I had to wait for school age (which for anyone reading is normal) and they struggled to tell till she finally stopped masking it lol the only 2 big ones she did that Drs noticed was she was a toe walker/runner and still is and she didn’t talk till she was 3 but because she was aware and responded to her name or if they asked her to point to pictures she knew them deemed it she just didn’t wanna talk yet lol
@Jasmine I think I have autism and adhd too, I’m yet to get tested but have put in referrals but I will most likely go to the right to choose path to get it done quicker! The only thing that made me think was that he used to line up toys, but he could talk in full sentences and point and answer to his name ( sometimes 😂.. but whet child does it all the time!!!) but adhd it’s very clear he has it from a young age! It’s just a huge spectrum isn’t it and so interesting to see how different children are with autism! X
Hand flapping spaininh head banging floor melts down