Check on the travel Canada's website it tells you all you need to know!
I have also brought my own brush and dish soap to wash bottles etc.
I've travelled multiple times with pumped milk and my pump before. Highly recommend packing everything in its own bag. I have a cooler with a cold side and separate compartment that I packed everything in. I brought 3 x 6oz bottles pumped and pumped on the plane with my hands free so I also had empty bottles, ice packs, dish soap and a bottle brush. They had no issue with anything but it did get pulled aside and double checked through security that's why I'd suggest having it in its own bag if possible. I haven't travelled with formula before but I will be later this year so I am curious to see how others have done it
I was given a bunch of doctor browns bags at the hospital and they work great.
Hey! I’ve travelled a couple times with my three month old - security makes an exception and allows you to bring formula / ready to feed formula bottles (- I brought maybe 3 cases of 18 packs in my carry ons)! Your list looks great - a couple things I would suggest are wipes for the bottles, they sell special ones that are used on items baby’s feeding items (- just in case no access to washroom / no time or extra hands). Also, nursing pillow has been helpful to lay baby on your lap during flight. Good luck!
In my experience, the airport makes exceptions for items required for baby. Water, powder, BM or prepared formula in the bottle.