-Not responding consistently to his name -not able to follow simple directions at 18 months -delayed speech -excessive meltdowns and difficulties with transitions, routine changes -playing with toys in an unusual way (my son lines up his trains but NEVER drove them), he stacks and hides his favorite toys, attaches toys to one another
I put a lot down to speech and being a boy when he was about 2. Think it was more noticeable when you put him in a class of 3 year old nursery children.
My child doesn’t have it but my younger brother (who’s now 5) has it alongside other conditions. For autism it was delayed/regressing in speech, lining things up, and stimming. Noticed he wasn’t speaking or walking, left it a bit, far behind his peers at about 16/18 months so we had him scheduled for an appointment because he seemed to be stimming almost as well (a high pitched squeak noise but not totally abnormal for that age).