I had this but didn't find out until after delivery! Birth was great and baby is excellent.
I had this and also found out at the 20 week scan. I had extra scans and dr.s appts to make sure baby was growing. Everything turned out fine in the end. Baby was born 2 weeks early naturally at 9 lbs
I have this and my midwife has no concerns. I was told that it’s something they don’t really pick up on. I’m now 35 almost 36 weeks and everything has been going text book!
I had this and OB ordered more scans after a certain week i cant remember when. Everything was okay too
I had a marginal cord with my last pregnancy. We got extra scans to keep an eye on his growth to make sure he was gaining weight, but all went well. He came at 39 weeks naturally, at 10 lbs. 😊