I didn’t plan to get pregnant wasn’t even sure if I could have any I feel like I’ll do everything alone and he will be selfish and not able to support us the lack of gifts or acknowledgment of special days to me have me feeling like that I’m not going off a gift.
@Kayla for some people, the sentiment is what matters - the effort to showcase a sense of wanting to do something 'good' for a person/make them feel special/going the extra mile even with little means. Possibly OP isn't referring to just a materialistic expensive gift. And I do understand, if you feel that you are not valued (whatever your love language is), one can revise the decision of having a child with someone they are not feeling close to. It is an extremely long term commitment which they are not feeling upto. That level of self awareness in deciding they don't want their future progeny to witness a distance in their parents is commendable, at least.
@Honey this is exactly how I feel you couldn’t of said it better and I will send this to him thanks Honey so much
U already knew how he was before getting pregnant. If gifts are ur problem in a relationship u should have never carried his child and u definitely not fit to be a mother since gifts are your concerned …
Ignore the judgement. Do what you feel is best. If you’re miserable now, you already know what it will be like with his child.
The fact some of you women agree with this lady is really mind blowing and speaks about ur characteristics as mom and a woman … that’s f sad and pathetic. Hope yall really seek God and because a kid did not ask to be brought in this world. It’s stupid and speaks a lot about your intelligence. U feel offended kiss my pretty ass. Karma is a bitch
Amelia you really need help and healing your response is your opinion just like everyone else on here but your tone and character as a mother is disgraceful seek help someone especially a stranger can provoke such nasty words and wild you up speak a lot about you there is nothing pretty about ignorance and disrespect
Sweetheart u calling me ignorant and disrespectful Bcux I’m telling you the truth. If you terminate a pregnancy it still will affect you. Then later on you going to get depressed and regret it. I’m going to make a phenomenal mother Bcux I put my child first. What happened if that child doesn’t give a you a gift when he/she comes into this world u going to kill them? Ur mean focus is gifts love u not ready to be a mother unless u can put urself aside and think about tht kid. Did that kid ask to be in this world? Nd fyi he did give you a gift you pregnant with his kid that’s ur gift. When you terminate tht pregnancy none of these women going to be there to tell you the truth how abortion brings you depression nd regret. They not going to be there when you need to heal. Some of these women only agree with u Bcux they r just like u but u not thinking bout the future or ur health so if me being disrespectful and ignorant means telling the truth then let me that. But karma is a b***
This was a bit hard to read and Amelia isn’t wrong either, but you had to know that or you wouldn’t have posted incognito. Anti abortion people will use this as an example of why abortions should be illegal, this is what they assume 90% of women use abortion for so that’s some of the rage here. Now, I can say for certain that if you feel like your feelings are being neglected and ignored in your relationship, it won’t get any better for YOU. I don’t think it’s fair to determine if that would make him a good father, gifts aren’t a factor in parenting but I do understand that you want to be loved on and not getting that response. I will not advocate for you getting an abortion because of gifts but it is your right to choose. My advice moving forward, choose better and be safer now that you know you are capable of conceiving
Beloved, that child will bring you more gifts than that man ever will. It may not be physical gifts but you’ll see….🥹 Go back to school and look up the Lyfe childcare program that NYC offers (free childcare for students, even adult students). Everything you need to be successful is within you!!!!! You are not a victim! You are more than capable! You are a badass that will raise a whole human AND be healed and whole. Do that and you will also attract a great guy one day, btw. 😌 You got this mama 💪🏾😌!
Understandable, you feeling are plausible. It’s your body and your final decision and if he is like this now it will likely not change.
So, you’re going to abort your child because your partner did not buy you a gift? Gifts are not that important and that’s alittle extreme over presents. Not for nothing you sound like a spoiled brat. Your child life is more important than meaningless gift.If he sucked at giving gifts and that was important to you. Why would you lay in bed and make a child with him?