This happened to us earlier this week. After feeding well every 2-3 hours for the first 4 weeks, he began cluster feeding from lunchtime onwards, barely settled or slept through the day and I felt like I wasn't producing enough for him. It's been a long week but today he settled back into feeding every 2-3 hours with naps between, so really hoping it was just a phase. You're doing an amazing job so please don't feel deflated - breastfeeding is not easy! Thanks @Marria for posting that link! Really needed to see that xx
How old is your baby? There is a growth spurt at around 3 weeks.
@Audrey 10days
@Marria really good read!!
@Elise yessss! Exactly. I just want him to say mama I'm full. After a feed I have no idea If he's full or exhausted
We also did exactly what you've done and gave him a formula bottle as we were worried too! Xx
Looking back, for me this was like day 12. She fed a total of 20 times in the day and I was exhausted! But she put on weight great without any formula. It's just that they feed more to stimulate and for comfort often when they're having a growth spurt! She's had many periods like this throughout her 5 weeks so far. You've got this! 💪
It's normal for a baby to behave like that - it's cluster feeding to up your supply, not a sign that you don't have enough milk (a woman not having enough milk is simply not likely, as if we follow baby's cues and lead to increase our supply, it will increase). Giving formula unfortunately will get in the way of your supply increasing. If you want to breastfeed, I'd suggest following the baby's lead and keeping them on the breast whenever they want it in these early stages, so that your supply will become sufficient and robust. 😊😊
Just saw a post addressing this on Instagram which might make you feel better x