@Alyssa yeah we do date nights and what not for “us time” but my infant twins are in their own cribs and I do just wonder when and how soon we’ll be able to get him in his own bed 😭 I miss being able to cuddle w my husband at the end of a long day lol. But he no longer naps, 90% of the time he would just lay there crying no matter how long it was. He usually goes to bed around 9/10 and wakes up around 7/8 which works for us cuz my twins go to bed around 8 and wake up around 9 so the bedtimes work for us for the time being.
Just wanted to say in the same issue. I’m due with my second in April and have no clue what to do about my son. He starts out in his own bed in his own room. But wakes after about an hour or two and then he comes in our bed. If we keep trying to lay with him in his bed he just keeps waking up throughout the night within 30minutes to an hour after it taking like 30 minutes to an hour to get him back to sleep. So it just isn’t worth it to us. Did you have your twins and your son in your guys room at one point then? How did your son do with the babies crying and him waking up at all? We are so worried my toddler is going to be a monster because of the baby waking him and him not getting enough sleep.
@Kara well for the first month he slept with my mom (we moved into a house together for extra help once I found out I was having multiples) and then after she went back to work he slept in our bed and the twins have always slept in their bassinets/cribs but their crying never woke him up! If it did it was usually just him waiting for us to finish tending to them and lay back down with him and he’d go right back to sleep. The twins are now in their own room & cribs but he’s still in our bed 😫
Toddler sleeps w us. We carve out our own time, though limited, when she goes to bed. Overall we are much happier this way - some nights she’ll start off on her floorbed then join us in the middle of the night. If it’s taking that long for him to fall asleep, have you tried capping the night? He might not be tired enough. My kid functions great off about an hour nap since she was 18 mos lol, asleep between 8/8:30, wakes beteeen 6:45/7am.