Anyone else find breastfeeding too demanding?

Newborn with a toddler at home
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It’s demanding for sure but I prefer EBF to formula. I have two toddlers and an infant. I EBF my first two as well. But you gotta do what’s best for you

Yes it is. I breastfed both my babies. My first was a horrible experience of under producing. My second has been a breeze in comparison. But I have since decided to do both. Breastfeed until you feel done then bottle feed to top her off. She is fed and I get some relief from the constant grind of breastfeeding. I still get to breastfeed her but she is fed and not struggling with gaining weight.

It is demanding I had 2u2 but I found it more convenient then having to stop what I was doing to prep a bottle or remembering to stay on top of formula while I was working and navigating a rocky marriage

Yes especially when they’re so young but for me most days nursing was the only time I got to sit down. The thought of replacing that with standing and washing bottles sounds like hell lol

Demanding but convenient

The hardest part is how long a feed takes and my toddler needing attention at the same time and not being able to do what she wants when I’m feeding

I definitely did the first 2-3 months mainly because she was nursing every 1-1.5 hours🥴 I dreaded it around that time but it got better when she was going at least 3 hours in between and sometimes now she makes it 5ish

My 18 month old tries to rip my 2 week old off my boob when I breastfeed, I pump now just to keep the peace😂 I breastfeed during his naps or when he's in bed though and it's just so much easier

It’s extremely demanding and I struggle juggling a baby and my 7 year old so I can’t imagine how much harder it is with a toddler

Here for the comments! My little boy will be 2 and 9 months when our newborn arrives. I’d love to breastfeed again! Xx

I prefer it to pumping

Yes plus the risk of getting touched out is super high. But pumping even just once a day was even more stressful for me and the thought of all those bottles needing to be washed if I formula fed is even worse.

It’s very individual to each person. I was a single mom and not having to wash bottle and make a bottle made it so easy. I found when I tried bottle that preparing and washing them was more demanding. I also only had one lid, once there is more than one I’m sure it would get harder. Also some women just don’t wanna do it and that is perfectly fine as well.

This is a hugely personal question so I'm not sure anyone can answer this for you.

Demanding yes but omg the time it saved. I mostly express and when my daughter does latch which is 99% of the time only in the morning it's soooo much easier

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It is definitely demanding but convenient at the same time. Nursed my first until almost 2 and still nursing my second at nap and bedtime. It can be alot at times. I totally get it. I have zero clue what it's like to make bottles or sterilize them, but I remember early days/months wishing my babies would take a bottle or soother because I was utterly exhausted and wanted someone else to feed them. It was all me around the clock. Tiring for sure!!

Yes, it's demanding, but the alternative i cannot afford. I'm very lucky to be producing when the formula is costing 70 plus dollars for one can. And I'm producing enough, so it's breastfeed or pump.

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