@Rosie oh she’s only 12 weeks but thank you for the ideas!
How old? When they're young enough and still figuring out the world, everything is new and exciting, and they're learning constantly. You can always introduce or cycle toys to keep things new and exciting. I recommend a playgym (mat with overhead toys). It's great for learning to reach, visually its good for them, and as they get older and they're rolling it's good for when they're in tummy time, and it encourages them to lift their head and look/reach up. Development wise, baby's brains only make new connections, no cutting connections, until they're around 3. The more different experiences they can be given can help them think faster and better later in life. Once they get older, after 3, boredom is important for learning to self entertain, as well as for imagination.
This is my son around 2 months, he's looking at the dangling toys and reaching to bat at stuff
I always think the same
Babies do need time occasionally to just be in their own skin, and to be bored. We all experience boredom. It inspires creativity and it's how babies wire their brains to understand and deal with boredom. When they're constantly stimulated, not unlike adults with phones, you'll notice they can't handle suddenly not being stimulated by something, and in kids that's how you end up with behavior problems. Constant stimulation. Yes, of course try new and exciting things, but don't feel guilty just chilling for awhile at home. Every generation before us has done it and managed. 💜
This is exactly how I feel! He does engage with us and he laughs etc, but once I put him on his mat he plays for about 10mins then looks bored. I know some people don't like screen time but he absolutely loves "hey bear" on YouTube. Could give that a go?xx
You can get lots of sensory things to keep them entertained. I found she loved colour ribbons at that age and foil blanket (like the ones in first aid kits) cause of the noise. She also like a water mat and feathers and black and white picture cards x
100% what @Melissa said! There is no need to keep our babies and children constantly entertained and it's good to give them time to just chill and create their own games
I'm ALWAYS worried that my 16 month old and almost 3 year old are board even though they have lots to play with, How about putting a mirror in front of her And put her on her tummy so she can see herself or get an old plastic bottle and fill it up with dried pasta 😋
I didn’t realize this until my baby would whine for no reason so I started giving him toys or activities , so much happier
Not sure how old your baby is but try something new! When my baby was much younger I put her in her swing, wore her in the carrier, did tummy time and on her back with the play mat, we went for a stroll in the stroller, taken her on some drives and I would put a large blanket on our rug in the living room and let her roll around and roll toys near her or play with her. They can't tell you if they're bored but assume they are plus it's always great to stimulate and get them all excited about something, it aids in the development!