Period postpartum

To all the breastfeeding moms, when did your period come back?? I’m 5 months postpartum and it still hasn’t started. I’m worried!
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I’ve always started 6 months pp. definitely don’t be worried. Breastfeeding makes you take longer to start & when you do, it’s a.bit wierd before it’s normal again

Omg don’t be worried. I didn’t start my period until 15 months pp. It’s different for every woman and it’s very normal!

There's a really big range of normal for periods to come back whilst breastfeeding. Can be totally normal for them to be delayed, for some people they don't return until they've stopped feeding and for others they come back quickly. My period didn't return until 21 months pp.

I'm 5 months pp as well and it hasn't come back. With my June 22 baby I started it again at about a year pp even though I breastfed until almost 2.

Mine came back at 20mths pp, when we dropped two feeds!

I'm 11 months pp and mine has just come back now. Still breastfeeding.

10 weeks. They are more painful than before.

Both times it was around a year for me. After my first when I was ready to get pregnant again my doctor suggested putting my son a more schedule feed. And since he was on solids he did not a ton of feeding. As soon as it was scheduled rather the "on demand" my period returned. Which is why at 6 months can be common because that when babies start eating solids more then relying on breast milk for all their nutrition. But every body is different

14 months post partum with my first. I stopped pumping at 12 months.

I'm 14 months pp and still don't have mine back. I'm down to 2 breastfeeds a day and have been for a while!

@Kirsty I had been winding down pumping since 10 months and completely stopped at 12 months. Didn't come back till 2 months after that.

Mine came back 5 months pp, while exclusively breastfeeding

10 weeks. Consider yourself lucky haha.

I just got mine back at 10 months 😭 was hoping I'd have more time!

12 months post partum

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1 month 🙃

8 weeks 🫠

Im 7 mos pp and still havent gotten it back yet

6 months pp and they're much lighter and 0 pain

17 months for me. It's really common for it to take a while to come back when you're breastfeeding!

I’m 11 months pp and no sign of it yet

My baby is 9 months and I'm still not having any. I don't mind, my cycles were awful lol. I know my friends who breastfeed and got to 17 months without cycles.

15 months with my first baby I’m now 10 months postpartum and no period yet

14 months

My cycle has resumed around 2.5 to almost 3 years pp, with my second, third, and fourth. My fifth child is almost 10 months, and I’ll probably get a long break from Aunt Flo while nursing her, as well.

18 months!

Girl i don’t get periods usually and i just had a full blown one 7month PP. 😵‍💫

I was hoping it would last over a year but it came at 11 months.

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