I started at 5 weeks. I just use the Hakka or sometimes manual pump, once in morning to get off excess and sometimes if she’s sleeping for long period during day I’ll pump off each side. 5-10 mins each side and collecting between 2-4oz 🥰
Oh gosh I didn’t even know you should only do one 🥶
I pump of my left because she barely uses that one and my milk is always coming and my boob gets really full x
I’ve been pumping since hospital, little man was in nnu and tube fed for the first couple days, he’s home now and I pump from whatever boob, the one he’s not on or if he’s napping what ever ones gone the longest, he has no nipple confusion and has breast all day and a 3-4oz bottle of ebm and more breast before bed for a longer stretch of sleep, I was told in a hospital feeding workshop that if I pumped both breast at the same time my body may thing I have twins and I might end up with an over supply
I’ve been pumping (sensibly) since 2 weeks as I couldn’t go through the weeks of cluster feeding when I have a needy toddler too 🤣 so you definitely can as your breastfeeding establishes around 6 weeks. Just only remove as much as you want your body to produce going forwards so that you don’t create an oversupply x