Could’ve written this! I have a list of snacks we rotate through - cheese, ham, chicken bites, carrot sticks, rice crackers, cucumber, veggie straws (or some other crisps or mini cheddars) fruit etc I usually only do one of each a day but honestly just winging it x
Also very tall kid!
What you listed wouldn’t be enough for mine in a day, he is also very tall. He only asks for more food when he is hungry so I trust he knows his body and give him food when he asks for it! He eats more than my 3 year old does, a lot of people with similar age gaps have said similar at this age
Mine literally eats nothing but if he was hungry I would never say no, never. I’d give him the biggest meals if he could eat it, snacks between meals. They know when they are hungry and full and I wouldn’t deny them, ever. I don’t personally think this is a lot of food though, coming from a mum whose toddler eats air…
Thanks guys. All of the mums of kids the same age that I know say that there kids eat a lot less than mine and we have a lot of adults with weight problems in the family, so I'm trying to be cautious. I have been giving her extra helpings and snacks when she asks but I was worried about building bad habits. Any suggestions on what healthy snacks to give? What do your littles like? X
Last weekend LG ate double portions, we couldn't believe. But she's outgrown 2y clothes now pretty much, so guess a growth spurt
We don't limit food. Our girl (also tall) pretty much snacks constantly & she still has the odd boob. As well as 3 meals a day.. They are growing so fast at the mo, I guess they need the energy.
Up the weetabix to two or give porridge so they feel fuller for longer. Increase their protein intake. They are such active little things, we don’t limit food, if my Lo asks for more we just give it, within reason taking into account snacks and meals too close etc. we love the mattessons fridge raiders for high protein or oat bars, we’ve started adding cream cheese as well as butter to sandwiches to fill out a bit more. Fruit and veg is on tap, she can have as much as she likes xx
@A’s Mom unfortunately, she's allergic to dairy, soy, oats and fish. It's really limiting!
Oh bless your heart! Sorry sweet, that must be tough, just increase where you can, it’s a suck it and see sometimes, I was told by a friend that they did 4 meals 3 snacks as their toddler was a bottomless pit, so a supper before bed, that helped xx
Example day: Breakfast: Small banana + 1 weetabix Snack: Satsuma Lunch: Ham sandwich (1 slice of bread) + tomato and cucumber. Nectarine. Snack: Mini Soreen/biscuit Dinner: Chicken curry + rice. Yoghurt. Supper if she's asking for more - crumpet She is very tall, (3yo height) so maybe I'm just underestimating what she needs?