Hi 👋🏻 I hope your baby gets better soon and quickly! Did you have tried any soup ❓ Just wondering if is the case that could be the texture. My little one just enjoys soup, even smashed vegetables he didn’t eat at all, All the best,🌸
@Dani there's definitely some texture involved, as in, the smoother the better. Thank you for your suggestion. I have not tried soup yet, but also would want for her to get used to more textured food or at least more of the food she does it 😅 it's hard! I always thought babies would "just eat" even if only from curiosity 🫣
My baby was getting on great with solids, but then she got sick and regressed back to wanting milk far more than she had for a while. She's even gone back to feeds mid night which she stopped from 8 months on! Although I know it should be going in the other direction, I'm not worried. (A little frustrated maybe!) As you said though, I don't want her to get hungry and lose weight so we are leaning into her natural rhythm. I've noticed my girl eats loads on her 2 nursery days and when we're out and about, so I don't think it's the food for her but more the comfort of associating milk with me. I'm sure it will naturally change as she grows older, is more energetic and needs more calories for how active she is. At the moment we're all eating in front of her and with her as much as possible to mirror what we're doing, with extra snacks offered throughout the day. Many extra snacks. Just to get her into the habit of eating and associating to it positively.
@Annem great point about the association - thanks for sharing! I started giving lots of snacks too, but then she had even less of the "main" meals and overall even less calories in total. I am positive though too that once she started nursery she may pick up the habit of eating more a bit more.
I think focus on really tasty solids, not necessarily the PC ones…! With the aim of getting her interested and excited about food :) Things like jam, or pancakes, or fruit, or saucy dishes. I found that these have helped as a tool to encourage eating, and my little one now eats anything and everything. I’d avoid doing too much milk - you’ll need to weather the disrupted sleep, but this season will pass ❤️
@Sally this is such bloody great advice. I've done the same. I've been pretty chill about giving her exactly what I eat. I'm not sprinkling extra salt or giving her cotton candy, but I'm giving her the food I eat which is seasoned and delicious - and I love jam on toast so she can eat it with me! I give her sprinklings of cheese on a lot of things and that's a big hit too.
I wish I’d have followed this with my first born @Annem, who’s now super fussy as a toddler and adverse to trying new things!! I tried so hard to do it insta-perfect with him.. with my second, he eats what I eat, and he’s loving it! We put too much pressure on ourselves, I think the focus should be on balance and sustainable eating practices
@Sally I agree. I also think a lot of people work themselves into a tizzle about what to cook toddlers, what to meal prep etc because there's far too much conflicting advice out there about what's good, what's bad - when in reality, food just needs to be balanced, delicious and a joyful experience. I love food and eat everything but I never just boil veg and eat it alone with unseasoned chicken!
Yup! Experiencing this too lol I need help