Don’t stop! The American association says 2 years old!
Did they say specifically “you need to stop breastfeeding” or they mentioned cows milk can be introduced at 1? Coz that’s different …but yes as above both UNICEF and WHO recommend BF for 2yrs and beyond. I BF until 3yrs but he did love his smoothies from about 7m, particularly avo smoothie
That’s not true. You can breast feed for as long as you like and it’s not necessary to drink Other milk if they are eating well
@Kellie they say specifically that I should stop.. because she started to bite me sometimes while she’s teething and also because she wakes up so many times during the night and they said this is linked to breastfeeding. These reasons in addition to the other milk reason I said before.. it’s so strange to me to hear doctors giving this advice.
Hmmm linked…I’ve seen polls before where babies FF still don’t sleep through the night for years and some EBF babies do early on.. for my baby, he was EBF and started sleeping through at 18m…you can do your own poll if you like, just to gauge how many BF babies sleep through early or not.. But it’s up to you whether you’d like to risk weaning and gamble if that’ll make a difference (probably won’t) The biting…I made sure he’s nibbled on a teether beforehand or, I unlatch w my finger every time he bites and run my finger firmly but gently along his upper and lower gums to ease his itch then continue BF he learnt to stop coz I unlatched every time.
You need to decide what’s right for you and your baby! It’s normal to continue breastfeeding up until the age of 5 in some parts of the world.
I would be telling them to mind their own business if I am being honest. Like everyone said, it’s recommended up to 2 years old. I guess I am defensive about it because I had a doctor tell me “well you should think of yourself” when I told them I EBF and my son is only 5 months old… really pissed me off
That's incorrect, breastmilk is very beneficial for children upto 4 years of age. Some cultures around the world do it until 6. It helps fight infections, give nutrition such as iron,, calcium, vit c and sleep/wake hormones too. It's amazing. I don't know why they'd tell you that. Stop only when you want to.
Don’t listen to these stupid professionals. Only you know what’s best for your baby, and what professional would actually advice you to stop breastfeeding when it’s the best thing for your baby up until 2 years old.
Maybe don't top completely. That's odd they'll ask you to do it at such young age.
How long you breastfeed should be your decision. However I did find breastfeeding at that time did make sleeping at night harder for my son. But I don’t think it was the breastfeeding alone. I think he needed more solids which helped a lot with his sleeping. I breastfed until my son was a few months away from 2.
I definitely wouldn't be stopping. Their advice is very misguided. Certainly in the UK, it's recommended for babies to have milk as their main source of nutrition up to one year old. The likes of cow's milk isn't recommended as a drink until 12 months. And as others have mentioned, the WHO recommend breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond. I understand from the viewpoint of the night wakings, it is often linked to them wanting to breastfeed, but it's also a comfort thing and that's okay. There are other ways to try and help with that without dropping breastfeeding!
Maybe pump and do bottles for longer feeds :) I’ve noticed my daughter eats more often when I give her my boob than when it’s in a bottle. I assume it’s because with a bottle she eats more. But idk I’m a FTM :)
You can nighttine wean your baby to get her to sleep longer at night. She is old enough now to sleep through. Will she take a bottle or a pacifier at night ?
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@Melissa she used to take both and now she doesn’t want to..
You can probably report them for that 👍 there was no need to recommend it. Unless you said you were going back to work for example, and it was in that context?
@Natalie not yet.. I am going back in 3 months It came out since we were talking about her feeding and sleeping patterns
Omg Where are you based ? This is not true you don’t need to stop
Stop visiting those idiots. That's incredible to keep hearing this in 2025. Keep bf mama.
That’s rubbish (and rude) Recommended age is 2yr. It’s also ENTIRELY YOUR CHOICE!
They don’t know what they’re talking about. Ignore them. Breastfeed as long as you like. The benefits don’t stop for both you and baby.