Being sexual with partner am I wrong?!

I am 5 weeks pp on the coming Monday and my partner hounds me to have sex with him but I’m just not ready to as I’m still bleeding a little bit and I got a coil put in which I can feel a massive string as it got put in during surgery and they cut my string on the 6 week check up AND I still smell post birth down there! Anyway I reluctantly done oral (twice) to please him and stop him moaning that it’s not that I don’t want to I’m just really not ready, I have a 2 year old and breastfeeding a new born I’m just not up for it ATALL! But during that I just didn’t feel respected and it was just all about him using me to please his self which is such a massive turn off and makes me not want to go near him even more! If he was abit affectionate during then I’d probably do it just to shut him up again but he didn’t so I’m just not up for it but I’m getting abuse for it and getting called names and he’s going to sleep with someone else ? I don’t know the point to this but am I in the wrong for not wanting to be sexual?!! Or does he have a point to be mad at me someone tell me 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Girl you are not wrong at all. He’s very selfish for this and he has no empathy for you at all. My husband waited about 9 weeks until I told him I was ready

My OH is the same however he's never called me names or gave me abuse and I'm 10 weeks pp. You are not wrong at all, it's very normal to not feel up for it especially when you've also got a toddler! I don't think they realise it's really off putting when they basically beg for it and give no affection aswell😐 I feel for you girl, I really do

He is not the vibe you need at this point in time - he should learn to be a man, being supportive and being patient. You’ve been through a lot and it’s understandable that you feel you need some appreciation and affection. When you’re not given that, and in fact given the total opposite, of course that’s a turn off. Sorry you’re going through this ❤️

If a man can't wait 6 weeks until you're cleared to have sex, he isn't worth any of your time or energy honestly. Literally you have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus after birth, that's the reason you aren't supposed to have sex for 6 weeks, so you can heal. He is just showing how immature he is honestly. I think I waited until like 8 weeks pp last time, and I'm currently 19.5 weeks with twins and haven't done anything for like 15 weeks(since I found out) because I'm paranoid because of my family history.

This is gross behavior on his part. My partner would never dream of pressuring me to have any kind of contact before I was ready. You deserve so much better than this. Even if you take away the pressure, the fact that he's calling you names and threatening to cheat is absolutely disgusting.

He is being impatient. It’s your body, your choice.

This is disgusting behaviour. WTF is wrong with these types of “men”. Please don’t “give in”. What he’s doing is called coercive control and is a form of abuse. He’s basically bullying you into sexually satisfying him and doing something that you don’t want to do (or aren’t ready to do). Change the scene slightly and say this was a young lady being called names and getting verbal abuse from her boyfriend because she wasn’t ready to be intimate with him - we’d all be saying to dump is pathetic disgusting ass. It’s no different because he’s your husband/partner/father to your children.

Omg there is no way my husband was getting oral or anything else 5wks pp. You just had a baby AND major surgery. You shouldn’t even be considering sex until 6wks down and even then only if it’s what you want and are ready for. Tell him to go have a wank in the shower like a normal fucking person and stop being the worst example of a man. And don’t have anymore kids with this guy, OP. He’s the fucking worst.

If he has enough energy to demand sex, I’m afraid he’s not doing enough to help around the house and with childcare. He needs to step up and be a real man. Quite apart from the fact that sex before 6 weeks can lead to infection, sepsis, haemorrhage and death… Parenting a toddler and a newborn would be absolutely exhausting even if both parents were putting in 100%. He needs to grow up and learn to be responsible, he’s not *entitled* to sex. What a backwards, misogynistic way to think. Wow.

Ngl reading this filled me with rage. He should go fuck himself. you just birthed a child and he’s only thinking about his dick what a pos

No way could I stay with a man like that! I appreciate that is easy for me to say though…

I'm sorry you've gone through this. This is a lot to be dealing with on top of everything else. He should be allowing you to heal. I'm sorry babe.

Men should understand that it's not all about being sexual. Plus they can use the postpartum time to rebuild and strengthen the emotional connection of the relationship. That's srxy them wanting to spend time with u taking u out. Not all touch has to result in sex and oral. I understand that men need release every so often but begging is not a turn on. My hubby just sorted himself out if I wasnt up for it. And waited until I was ready. For my first child I didn't tell him I was ready until like 4 months after. And that whole time we spent going out, having dates and spending quality time together.

Thank you everyone I knew I wasn’t being the crazy one!

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