Single mum in a relationship

Hi, I’m currently pregnant. I do all the cooking. I do all the cleaning. I do all the laundry. We split the bills 50/50. I look after our child we have at the moment and he plays with him for about 10 minutes a day and that’s it. And that’s only because he knows I will have a go at him if he doesn’t. He leaves his dishes lying around , he sleeps all day and all night unless he’s playing his video games. I’ve tried to leave 1000 times but he doesn’t let me and convinces me things will change but they never do. What can I do , I don’t care how childish, so he just fixes his ways or finally gets the fuck out of my face. If he leaves his clothes lying around should I just bin them? 😭 I actually don’t care anymore but I need help. Oh and more than half the time he falls asleep on the couch anyway. I’m genuinely a single mum in a relationship and I just want to get my own back or finally get him out of my face. He refuses to leave this house because it will be more expensive for him to live on his own.
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Better way is to leave yourself & don’t look back. Maybe could you move back to your mums, while you sort things for yourself or? And for his stuff, just leave them. Don’t clean or tidy up his mess. Leave it for him to do it. Only better way then to learn if your hush. Set boundaries or else for him. 🙂 Sending love to u. 💕

He does it because he knows you won't leave and never have. Just get out. Men like this don't really change until they hit rock bottom...

Im sorry your going thru that, you deserve a team mate not another child. I mean yeah that's one solution is to end it. Nothing worse than to have to take care of a man child, I heard it gets easier when they aren't around because the mental load they give you is so heavy. And if you can afford being a mom without his financial support too even better. The only other thing you can do depending on how you feel about him is to work hard toward making him a better team player, and thats A LOT of work and if he's not even willing even more so. Cuz that requires relationship counseling, you setting up boundaries, not babying him, encouraging him and letting him know how essential his contribution is. And all of that takes time because for some reason men take 4 EVER to realize that they are not children anymore and they have responsibilities. I am currently doing the latter because I love my husband, and I don't want to have any regrets so im gonna try my hardest but if he dosent fix his shit I'm dipping.

@Lorraine honestly it’s just annoying seeing it all laying around. I’d rather force him out then leave so it’s his choice lol

@Gemma yes but what can I do to get him to rock bottom 😭

@Angelimarie I’ve tried the nice way for 3 years and got nowhere. he only responds to consequences of his actions negatively so that’s what I need to implement.. at least I’ll get a kick out of it that way too.

@Incogn do what you have to do because it ain’t worth it at the end of the day. You’re wasting your time, doing the easy way. 🙂

Girl if he has proved you time after time that it will never change you already know it's time to leave.

What can you do to get him to rock bottom? lol actually leave!! It’s clearly not going to change, stop wasting your precious time! You’ve convinced him he can do what he wants and you’ll still stay anyway. End that cycle and get out!

Leave. Don't look back. You're already an amazing mum to one child, why parent a man child. You aren't happy & your child will see you accepting this kind of behaviour and think that's what a normal relationship is. My partner leaves the house at 4am and doesn't get back until 6.30pm but will always spend time with our daughter before she goes to bed and it's his favourite part of his day reading a story before she goes to sleep. Don't settle for less.

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