Baby gets frustrated at the breasts

Hello, My Lo seems to feed at my breasts just fine over night but the day feeds are always a big question mark. She would latch maybe 5/10 mins on one breast if full and then would finish with a bottle. I pump as well. My milk supply is quite high and I also try to nurse in her room minimising any distractions but still, she would go for the bottle. Why is there such a stark difference between night and day? Has anyone ever experienced this? Thanks
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How old is your little one?

She is 3 months old

My son gets mad when I try n breast feed and will fuss more and refuse boob so I clam him down as much as I can and try again on other side cuase maybe he don't want to start on the side I offered at 1st sometime it works other he rather have a bottle , I've noticed he dose like looking around if stuff going on or the TV being on and he noticed that it's something he wants to watch with me , his also 3 months and loves watching me play my video games and when I watch let's plays on the games I play he wants to also watch

Could she be overtired? My little girl gets really frustrated as if it’s not coming out quick enough when she’s overtired but in the night she’s fine too!

@Lucia okay, I could have guessed around that age!! It’s a really common phase that most breastfed babies go through. Have a read of this post for some assurances: Make sure all bottles are pace fed to protect breastfeeding around this stage. Bottles are easier for them to get milk from & we get so worried about the amount they have when they’re so young, you can end up giving bottles when they aren’t hungry but the ease of them means they will take them. I had a week long total nursing strike with my baby around this age, but he would do sleepy feeds no issue. It’s a difficult phase, but is just a phase x

Thank you all! @Emily that's amazing info thanks XX

The let down or supply is lower during the day than evening or early morning also. You could try a little with of bottle and the rest of the feed on breasts. That’s worked better for me when baby is frustrated.

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