Did anyone have difficulty in getting your breastfed baby to put on weight as per the growth chart?

I am feeding my 12 week baby expressed breastmilk as she won't latch and has a preference to teats instead of my nipples. During the first month, when I was battling to have her latch on my breast, she dropped a centile in the growth chart and when I fell ill earlier this month and was on antibiotics, she dropped another centile. I have been trying to get her to feed more frequently and increase her overall milk volume, but she barely gets to 620ml each day. The health visitor recommends that she should be drinking about 670ml. I had been feeding her 80ml every 2 hours but it's a battle because she is not interested in fully drinking the milk and it's exhausting feeding that frequently. Does anyone have any recommendations or similar experience please?
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Hm my baby has been dropping percentile but it's probably more to do with the fact she was born nearly 9lb, but neither I or my husband are particularly tall people. The LC said to not be alarmed if the percentile started to stagnate based on our size the baby's growth would also slow down. Not sure if this could be the case for you?

Have they checked her for tongue tie? You could try different bottle teets as that maybe an issue too.

Just remember that the centile charts are based of formula fed babies. Try not too worry too much as long as baby is putting on weight and seems happy with lots of wet nappies x

My son dropped percentiles but he was born 10lbs9oz, he’s tall and lean (31 inches and 23lbs at 9 months), and has still been gaining consistently just not as rapid to keep up with percentile. If they’re still gaining consistently and developing normally (hitting milestones) I wouldn’t be too concerned. But best to contact your GP or pediatrician.

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