Same x
If you are concerned then reach out to your HV for advice. My son was referred to physio at his 9-12 month review for non-mobility (he wasn’t standing, pulling to stand or crawling) and they’ve been seeing him since. He didn’t roll until 8 months, crawled at 16 months and pulled himself up and cruised at 18 months. He’s now a week shy of 20 months and still cannot stand or walk unaided but is pulling to stand and cruising. He has other delays too and has been late on every milestone which I think is why they acted so early on but if this is the only ‘late’ milestone (not really even late as it’s a 12-18m milestone!), I wouldn’t be too concerned. They do usually say to wait until 18 months old before it becomes a concern as every child develops at a different rate, but if you’re concerned, there’s no harm in reaching out. 💛🥰
Mine too he just crawls
My baby is 1 on Tuesday and similar x
@Courtney he is rolling and commando crawling and hv said she is not concerned when I told her about my worry
Not walking, pulling to stand and only bunny hopping forward, not properly crawling. She’s smashing everything other than gross motor skills so I’m happy
If he’s commando crawling then he isn’t classed as non-mobile, which is probably why they’ve said they aren’t worried. He is still trying to move about and any kind of crawl counts. I’ve had kids do the bear crawl, some do a spider crawl, some bum shuffle, some never crawl…all are ‘normal’ development 💛 If he was hitting other milestones late leading up to this and shows delays in other areas then I’d say there was cause for concern but if it’s just that he’s not all that physical then I’d say not to panic. Is he quite chatty? (Even if it’s just babble!). Only as you usually either get a walker or a talker (in my experience of childcare😂). Usually, kids are either super physical or super chatty/creative, even if it’s just lots of “ah babababababa” 😂 it’s not often that they nail both communication and physical bang on target, usually one needs some nurturing as they grow haha xx
@Courtney yes! He is very chatty, loves to babble 😆
My little boy is 1 on the 20th. He’s exactly the same. He only started crawling in the new year. Our health visitor wasn’t concerned. Try not to worry 💙