Ms Rachel helped a lot with my girls. But you could also call Early intervention in your state and they can do an evaluation and see if she needs speech therapy.
Read to her when you talk to her don’t use baby talk try things like Mrs Rachel
If your child doesn’t say any words yet it could be autism. With autism, children start to talk after 4ish years old
Using baby sign language helped my daughter. I started with simple things like more, all done, thank you, please. Also songs with signs/actions (like wheels on the bus, we watch this channel called Singing Hands on YouTube that does makaton signing). I’m super chatty so I always talked to her loads and we read lots, but she was never a babbler as a baby, she was very physical though (early crawler, walker, loves to climb, etc) so that’s why I think having an action to do helped her with her words. I would also bring it up with your doc or if you’re in the UK, speak to your HV, they can signpost you to more support x
All kids develop at their own pace. My first child started talking and forming sentences by 1.5 years old, while my second was more reserved and mostly babbled. We decided to take her to a speech therapist, and now at 2.5 years old, she’s doing much better. Sometimes, kids just need a little extra time and support.
My oldest was the same way, we went to speech therapy and the speech therapist told me to always talk to my daughter and tell her what I was doing. Like oh look mom is picking up this green bowl, or mom is going to put away this yellow shirt, can you say yellow shirt? It helped wonders for us.
Reading , flash cards , ms Rachel and just plane talking and explaining everything and anything to your little one as much as possible and no baby talk !
Play dates with slightly older kids. My daughter has older cousins and she was talking so clear and early I think it helped a lot
Do you read to her on a daily basis? We’ve been reading every day to my little girl since around the time she turned 1 and her vocab is phenomenal now. Hope that helps 💓